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Jason turns 10, keeps getting older

Photo courtesy of New Line Cinema

Kane Hodder stars in "Jason X," a new movie with the same old plot. "Jason X," is in theaters today.

By Adam Pugh
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Friday Apr. 26, 2002


Imagination is key when watching ãJason X,ä because director Jim Isaac forgot to use his.

Letâs see · no · hold on · Iâm counting. How many times did Jason die? Two, three, no, four times? In this movie alone? You have got to be kidding. So what is there to say about a movie that keeps getting remade? Not much.

Jason Voorhees (Kane Hodder) is back (again) in the much-unanticipated 10th installment of the ãFriday the 13thä saga. Nine years have passed since the last epic tragedy of the classic original struck a new all-time low with ãJason goes to Hell.ä

This time, the story takes place in the future (the year 2455, to be exact). A ship of medical students goes on a mission to ãOld Earthä (Earth having been destroyed by global warming) to survey the area for an experiment. They then just sort of happen upon a cryogenically suspended Jason, and decide to take him and Rowan (Lexa Doig), who was also frozen, onto their ship.

Once back on the ship, the group is able to bring Rowan back to life, but Jason is done for or so they think! Just wait a few more minutes, watch a teacher who likes to get his nipples twisted, and a couple of students having premarital sex, and Jason is ready to go!

Overall, the movie is extremely entertaining, from a humor standpoint. It follows the same formulas as all other slasher flicks, except in the future, girls wear way less clothing and everyone is a complete idiot.

First, you have an entire crew that thinks it can take on the killer by itself, and seven bodies later, it still thinks it is going to get rid of him. Then you have an officer aboard who gets impaled on a large screw ÷ which breeds the worst line of the entire movie: ãHeâs screwed.ä

The entire theater went silent for that one.

Not to say there were not any classic lines in the movie. The professor who likes to have his nipples twisted gets it good, but not before spouting off ãItâs OK guys ÷ he only wanted his machete back!ä

The only real creativity in this movie lies in the new sick and twisted ways Jason murders his victims. Letâs just say there is a sink full of liquid nitrogen and someone just happens to get her face shoved into it, then Jason proceeds to smash her face against the counter. Very nice. Then there are some fun dismemberment scenes, and of course the classic machete-to-the-head technique, which never fails.

Maybe in the future, if someone actually decides to resurrect Jason again, he or she will pit him against a better rival than silly teenagers who like to take their clothes off. The best rival would have to be the Energizer Bunny; nobody can kill that fluffy pink and evil drummer.

If you are even thinking about seeing this movie, youâd better love slasher flicks. Otherwise, take the advice of one crewmember, who sums up the last nine movies: ãWhat a waste.ä


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