Tuesday Jan. 22, 2002
Key university position up for grabs
Starting today, UA community can say which candidate should be next vice president for undergraduate education
Two UA administrators are currently vying for the job of vice president for undergraduate education, one of the university's top positions.
The position has been temporarily filled for the last two years, but administrators have had a "help wanted" sign on the door for the duration, as they have been searching for someone to fill the position permanently.
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Fast facts:
According to the "Guiness Book of World Records", the fastest restaurant in the world serves a customer's food within 13 seconds after the order is made. The name of the restaurant is Karne Garibaldi, located in Guadalajara, Mexico.
The fastest tectonic movement on Earth, 9.4 inches per year, is at the Tonga microplate near Samoa.
The Bureau of Standards says the electron is the fastest thing in the world.
The first television shows to have the characters take bathroom breaks were "All in the Family" and "Married with Children."
William James Sidis had the highest IQ ever known, estimated to be between 250 and 300. At 18 months, he could read The New York Times, at 2 he taught himself Latin and at 3 he learned Greek. By the time he was an adult, he could speak more than 40 languages and dialects. He spent most of his life wandering from one menial job to another.
On this date:
In 1939, the uranium atom was first split at Columbia University.
In 1943, the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff decided to invade Sicily on July 10.
In 1964, the world's largest cheese 34,663 pounds was manufactured in Wisconsin.
In 1969, Billy Preston became the fifth Beatle.
In 1970, the first ocean-crossing commercial Boeing 747 flight on Pan Am flew across the Atlantic Ocean from New York to London in 6 1/2 hours.
In 1992, Boxer Mike Tyson went on trial for rape. He was eventually found guilty.
In 1994, a 5.5 earthquake struck Sumatra.
"In the fight (against terrorism), we need to uphold our norms and values. That applies to prisoners, too."
- Jozias van Aartsen, Dutch Foreign Affairs Minister, about al-Qaida detainees in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
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