Nora Kerrigan Art history freshman
By Rebekah Jampole
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Tuesday September 10, 2002
Artistic freshman doesn't miss home, feel nervous about school or tolerate any sugar-addiction
WILDCAT: Art history. Do tell what led you to choose such an exciting major.
KERRIGAN: I've just always loved finding the provenance of a piece, and I just think it's beautiful and something to look at. It's just beautiful.
WILDCAT: Are you homesick at all?
KERRIGAN: No, but I can't say the same for my parents.
WILDCAT: Were you nervous about coming in?
KERRIGAN: No. I was more nervous about going to high school.
WILDCAT: Really? What kind of high school did you go to?
KERRIGAN: (laughs)
WILDCAT: Are you living in the dorms?
WILDCAT: Do you have a random roommate? Do you feel secure?
KERRIGAN: I got a random roommate. We mesh really well together.
WILDCAT: What would you have done if you walked in there and your roommate was sacrificing a pig, or something?
KERRIGAN: I don't know. I was so hoping that nothing like that would happen. I don't know what I would have done.
WILDCAT: What if you had the opportunity to pick anyone in the world to be your roommate ÷ who would you choose?
KERRIGAN: Oh, gosh I don't know. Someone smart I guess.
WILDCAT: Just smart.
KERRIGAN: Smart and calm.
WILDCAT: Not a fan of people with energy?
KERRIGAN: No, they are too spastic for me. I'm more calm; I'm a rock.
WILDCAT: What if I ruled the world and said that you had to either live with someone addicted to sugar and super spastic, or gouge your own eyeballs out with a spoon and eat them?
KERRIGAN: If they were clean and didn't cause a mess, I would go with the spoon people.