Jessica Ortiz molecular, cellular biology freshman
By Saul Loeb
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Thursday March 6, 2003
Chicago native thinks her gen-eds are boring, likes Tucson weather and has seen yellow snow
WILDCAT: Of all the majors you could choose, why something hard like molecular and cellular biology?
ORTIZ: Because I'm going into pre-med. It is one of the few majors that has all the requirements for pre-med.
WILDCAT: I have friends in that major and all they ever do is study. They can never do anything because they are studying. Seriously, they do it nonstop. I hope you don't spend all your time studying too.
ORTIZ: Not right now because I'm taking all my gen-eds and they aren't that hard.
WILDCAT: Are they fun and exciting or just a pain in the ass?
ORTIZ: Yeah, they are pretty much a pain in the ass. They are so boring and all about nothing.
WILDCAT: I took some absolutely horrible ones last year. I'd either not be there, or when I was there, I'd be sleeping. So why did you decide to come to UA?
ORTIZ: I'm from Chicago and I wanted to come to some nice weather.
WILDCAT: Nice weather? It's freezing.
ORTIZ: I have this sweater on, but I'm sweating and want to take it off.
WILDCAT: What do you think it is in Chicago right now?
ORTIZ: My mom told me they got 8 inches of snow last night, so I'm pretty glad that I'm here.
WILDCAT: Ever seen yellow snow?
ORTIZ: Yeah I had a dog so ·
WILDCAT: So it wasn't yellow snow caused by you?
WILDCAT: It would have made a better story if it was. So, how well do you think I'm doing so far with this On The Spot?
ORTIZ: You are doing pretty good.
WILDCAT: You think so? The girl that is supposed to be doing this is just too busy and I have to be out here in this freezing weather.