Fall break should be students' decision since they pay tuition
I want to comment on Friday's editorial "Chin up, Doug." In this editorial the Wildcat opinions board proposes a pat on the back to ASUA President Doug Hartz for a good try and poor judgment on tuition and the fall break idea. I would like to comment on the fall break idea.
I think that President Hartz's idea is warranted and a good one. As a senior, I know that come Thanksgiving weekend people take off as many days as possible so they can fly home. Some even take the whole week off and some teachers cancel class the Wednesday before knowing students won't show up. I'm sure President Hartz has done his research and noticed that many of the other institutions across the country have a fall break for Thanksgiving weekend for the same reasons that some teachers cancel on the Wednesday before. So what if the teachers said they didn't think it was a good idea? I say if the students really want the break and feel like cramming three days into the semester somewhere in their learning, then why not have the fall break?
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