By Wildcat Opinions Board
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Monday March 24, 2003
Some students did not enjoy a relaxing week off for Spring Break.
Our friends and family are currently in the Middle East involved in operation "Iraqi Freedom." Regardless of your take on war, under no circumstances can we withdraw our support for our troops.
The troops cannot be clumped into a unit. The 120,000 American military personnel involved in the operation are all individuals that are connected to us in our daily lives. They are our friends and classmates. Our family members. Our teachers. Our community members. Each person now stationed in the Middle East is dedicating his or her time and ÷ possibly ÷ his or her life to this cause.
Student military personnel are making some of the greatest sacrifices. Many were called to action midway through this semester and had to break away from exams, essays and extracurricular activities.
Regardless of your take on war, under no circumstances can we withdraw our support for our troops
In many ways, our lives have been also put on pause. The absence of those in the military has put our lives on hold too.
While most of us attempt to continue with our education or our work while flipping to the news during study breaks, we must keep in mind what our troops are enduring overseas. Pray. Hope. Correspond. Discuss.
While our attention is placed on bringing our troops home safely and quickly, we must also treat our local UA-ROTC members with respect. They are currently balancing school and training so they will be prepared as the next generation of troops.
War is stressful. War is not pleasant. War is an emotional distraction from pursuing a degree and continuing our lives. But we must not forget that although war is waged by nations, it is fought by individuals ÷ whom many of us know very well.
Now is the time to give our UA troops our full support.
Opinions are determined by the Wildcat opinions board and written by one of its members. They are Daniel Scarpinato, Jessica Lee, Jose Ceja, Jennifer Duffy, Brett Fera, Erik Flesch, Caitlin Hall, Jessica Suarez and Kendrick Wilson.