Jon Jordan, Desk assistant Manzanita Mohave Residence Hall
By Arek Sarkissian II
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Monday March 31, 2003
Desk assistant won't hoard your mail but will kick you off that comfy couch
WILDCAT: So what do you do here?
JORDAN: I try to get people's mail delivered.
WILDCAT: You try to get people's mail delivered. Now I'm hearing some hesitation there. Are there some things you just don't want to give up?
JORDAN: No, that's not the thing. I'm just lazy.
WILDCAT: You're just lazy? If I had this job and I'd be all, "Hmm, this looks kind of interesting. I might want to take a peek." You're not anything like that?
JORDAN: (laughing) No comment, yeah, I try not to do that.
WILDCAT: Well my question is, with all the crazy things that happened around here last year, what's the craziest thing you've seen?
JORDAN: What's the craziest thing I've seen? Hmm · there was actually one guy who came in here and basically beat the door down.
WILDCAT: Really?
JORDAN: Yeah, he was going to start a fight with me. It was pretty funny.
WILDCAT: Never any protesters or anything?
JORDAN: No, we just brush them off. This is my second year here, so ·
WILDCAT: Well, what if a transient wanted to come in here and take a load off? I mean, you've got all these nice couches here. This place might actually be nicer than my house! This isn't fair!
JORDAN: Well, I guess if you need a good place to sleep.
WILDCAT: (Wildcat does impression of older man, limping around Jordan) Well hey there, boy, I need a place to sleep.
JORDAN: I've actually seen some bums that have used our couches.
WILDCAT: Hey now! They're transients. That's politically correct isn't it? Well, among most times, when do you really need to take action here?
JORDAN: Well, when there's a fire alarm I have to close the desk down, make sure everyone isn't going upstairs.
WILDCAT: So it seems like a serious time for you. Is it kind of like the "Hunt for Red October," where all the lights go to red and you've got some guy screaming, "Down periscope!"
JORDAN: No, but I've got to lock this thing. What's this called? Oh, it's our case (of keys).
WILDCAT: Is that like the Holy Grail for you guys?
JORDAN: It is the Holy Grail. It holds the keys to all of the rooms. People have gotten fired for not closing it.