Best defense a good offense
An event like the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, should be remembered and memorialized, but also examined closely. There can be some knowledge gained from studying the events of the airline hijackings to ensure that they never happen again. Terrorists using rudimentary weapons were able to take control of several airplanes and eventually crash them into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. It's worth asking, "Could the events of that tragic day have been changed by something as simple as pilots carrying handguns in the cockpit?"
The answer, it would seem, is obvious. It's all too easy to get into the "what if" games, but it would certainly seem that armed pilots would have stood a better chance of fending off the attackers. Almost a year after the tragedy, Congress seems to agree. There is now a bill on President Bush's desk authorizing pilots to carry handguns in the cockpit.
There is good logic behind this legislation. This is not an impulsive wartime proposal. Congress studied and weighed the matter for almost a year. It's the right thing to do.
Law enforcement agents have carried guns on airplanes for years. They are called Sky Marshals, and they can be very effective in deterring crime. In addition, there are many types of guns and ammunition that would prevent bullets from cracking the frame of the airplane.
There are, of course, fundamental issues that are involved in any gun debate. The legislation proposed would allow pilots to carry handguns, but not mandate them to do so. In other words, pilots, should they be properly trained, would be able to make their own individual choice as to whether or not they want to protect themselves in that way.
Most pilots would need very little training in order to carry handguns. An overwhelming percentage of pilots have had military training. They are more than capable of handling guns in the cockpit.
As a side note, it is interesting to mention that the large, strong pilots' union first brought forth the idea of arming pilots to Congress. Many Democrats ended up supporting the legislation. Irony?