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Police Beat

By Devin Simmons
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday May 7, 2003

Three UA students were arrested on trespassing charges after they were found swimming in a campus pool Sunday, reports stated.

Officers responded to the Hillenbrand Aquatics Center, 1827 E. Enke Road, after the students activated a motion sensor on a diving platform.

As police arrived on scene they saw three males jump over one of the center's walls and run down the street. Police caught up to two of the students and found another one hiding behind a wall on the north side of the pool, reports stated.

The students, whose clothes were wet from swimming in the pool and diving off the diving board, said they drank beer before they went in the pool, reports stated.

They were also cited for being minors with alcohol in their bodies.

UA police officers responded to the scene of a collision at the intersection of East Fourth Street and North Euclid Avenue Saturday, reports stated.

Both drivers fled the scene of the accident.

A witness told police she was driving southbound on North Euclid Avenue when a tan Honda Civic passed her and pulled into the left-hand turn lane behind a red Nissan. Both vehicles turned at the same time, reports stated, and the Civic struck the Nissan, forcing it onto the curb.

The witness said the Civic fled the scene and headed northbound on North Euclid Avenue.

The witness also told police that the driver of the Nissan got out of his car and started kicking the front tire. The passenger, a female, got out of the car and told him, "I have to go," reports stated.

Both the driver and the passenger left the Nissan at the scene of the accident.

Police took a screwdriver, a green backpack, and a metal container with glass pipes and a syringe in it, from the vehicle, reports stated.

The Nissan was towed from the scene.

A UA student was arrested on criminal trespassing charges after a UA police officer found him hiding in a closet in the Coconino Residence Hall, 1003 N. Olive Road Friday, reports stated.

Police responded to the scene after an anonymous person reported that the male student was in the dorm. He had been warned on many previous occasions about not being allowed at the dorm, reports stated.

The officer went to the room where the man was reportedly hiding and asked the two female residents in the room if he was there.

They said no, but the officer asked if he could search the room anyway. The officer then found the man hiding in the closet, reports sated.

After giving his police his identification, the man said he hid in the closet because he knew he shouldn't have been in the dorm, reports stated.

A UA student was chased by an unidentified man in an SUV after she used private property to avoid a traffic control device at the intersection of North Martin Street and East Chauncey Avenue Friday, reports stated.

The student was trying to make a left-hand turn onto northbound North Martin Street when a white SUV blocked her.

The driver of the SUV yelled out the window, "You can't fuckin' do that, you little fuckin' bitch."

The student continued northbound on North Martin Street as the SUV chased her in reverse. After stopping her vehicle, the driver yelled at her and then drove away.

A UA student contacted police after he was threatened by a group of male students in the Apache-Santa Cruz Residence Hall, 1440 E. Fifth St. Sunday, reports stated.

The student received an anonymous call from a man who said, "I'm gonna kill you," and told the student that a fight was brewing, reports stated.

When police arrived, there was no one outside the building, but residents reported that the threats came from people on the second and third floors of the building.

They reportedly said things like, "I'm gonna kick your ass" and "You like being tazed by a tazer gun?"

An officer spoke to the men, who said they did not make the threats but were pushed into the bushes by the student, reports stated.

Neither party wanted to press charges.

Police Beat is compiled from official University of Arizona Police Department Records. For a complete list of UAPD activity, the daily resumŽ can be found at

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