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From Tucson!
Thanks to a UA dropout, there's a soundstage in LA that is bringing the Sam Hughes neighborhood to America's livingrooms
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ÎGreetings from Tucson'
Grade: B
Niches. Everyone has to find his or her own. In the network wars ten years ago, Fox targeted the urban market with shows like "In Living Color," "Living Single" and "Martin."
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Standing on the Ledge
Heath Ledger rides on instinct and courage in "Four Feathers"
Heath Ledger is not just a cute accent. However, when interviewing him along with 19 other young reporters during a conference call, he is only a cute accent. Ledger shared some of his reflections post-"Four Feathers" about courage, a desert that makes the Sonoran Desert look like Costa Rica, and the things he could care less about.
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Three stars for ÎFour Feathers'
Grade: B+
From the very first frame, "The Four Feathers" has the look of a modern classic. It's filmed in super-widescreen, everyone is dressed up in elaborate period clothing and there's a general sense that something big is happening. Let the epic begin.
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CD Review: Shannon Wright
Grade: A-
Dyed in the Wool
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CD Review: The Disco Biscuits
Grade: B
Senor Boombox
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Rock Opera "Twitch" ·
Multimedia production with an environmentalist message
This September, there's going to be a new girl in town, and her name is Twitch.
So who is this girl with the funny name?
Twitch is a nature spirit who becomes human in order to help prevent the human race from destroying the Earth.
"{Twitch} is sent by Mother Earth as both a warning and a hope · She's a classic hero," said John Paul Marchand, Twitch's creator. "She goes on a quest, on a journey, like any mythological archetype, and she discovers herself along the way."
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Interpol comes in style
Interpol's dark suits and melancholy looks seem out of place in the pages of Jane Magazine. But there they are, between the fashion spreads and relationship advice columns. There's something to be said about a band whose hype has rolled them out of obscurity and into the pages of girlie fashion magazines in a matter of months.
But that something shouldn't be "new" or "garage." While the band has been swept up in the same hype machine that has every magazine paying tribute to New York City bands like The Strokes and The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, they sound nothing like their neighbors. And while those bands have been followed almost since their inception, Interpol has been around for much longer. Still, as they make their way on their first extensive American tour, including a stop Friday in Tucson at Solar Culture, the band doesn't seem to mind the high expectations.
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