Hispanic enrollment rises
Hispanic student enrollment at the UA is increasing, but graduation rates for Hispanic students on campus are still lagging behind those of white students, mirroring a national trend.
The number of Hispanic students who enrolled at the UA climbed about 2.8 percent during the past 10 years to make up 13.2 percent of the student body, according to UA census data released Sept. 24.
Out of the 36,847 students attending the UA this year, 4,855 are Hispanic.
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HPV at top of list for common campus STDs
Doctors and nurses at Campus Health Services are expecting another influx of students reporting symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases this October.
Some of the students who are having sex for the first time are contracting STDs, in what has become an annual cycle for healthcare providers on campus.
"We tend to see (STDs) more just after the beginning of school," said Faye Libbey, a nurse practitioner in the Women's Health Clinic at Campus Health. "Freshmen come in who've never been away from home before. They're having relationships that they've never had. They don't even have to have intercourse to get (some STDs), just skin-to-skin contact."
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New dating policy requires disclosure
University employees looking for office romance with a subordinate or supervisor are going to have to watch their step under a new policy.
When one person is in a position of power over another, faculty-faculty relationships, faculty-student relationships and student-student relationships all may be monitored, according to the new "Policy for the Management of Personal Conflicts of Interest for the University of Arizona."
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On the Spot
Education senior reflects on steel drums, stomach flapping, professors' after-hours secrets
WILDCAT: Do you like to sing?
LOPEZ: No. Actually, I'm in the steel drums program.
WILDCAT: If you could sing, which syllables would you use to warm up: "la, la, la" or "mm, mm, mm"?
LOPEZ: Mi, mi, mi, mi; miiiiii-miiiiii-miiiiii-mi!
WILDCAT: You said you're in the drum program. What instrument do you play?
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U-WIRE: Gays at New Mexico State U. upset they can't donate blood
LAS CRUCES, N.M. ÷ Students at New Mexico State University expressed their concern about gay people not being allowed to donate blood as United Blood Services mobile units were present on campus last week. Cesar Trujillo, president of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Friends at NMSU said in a phone interview that he attempted to donate blood his freshman year, but was denied because he was gay.
"I felt wrongfully excluded and discriminated against but I kind of see where it comes from. There was, and still is, a big scare," Trujillo said.
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U-WIRE: Student financial aid's anti-drug provision unenforced at U. Iowa
IOWA CITY, Iowa ÷ A federal financial aid provision aimed at denying government money to students with drug convictions hasn't proven to be much of a hurdle at the University of Iowa.
This fall, 10 UI financial aid applicants were initially turned down for assistance under the Higher Education Act measure that denies or limits federal aid for students who have been convicted of drug-related crimes. All the applicants either admitted to a drug conviction or left the question blank on their Free Application for Federal Student Aid forms. They later changed their answers when notified by the university.
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Fast facts:
Thomas Edison's first major invention was the quadruplex telegraph. Unlike other telegraphs at the time, it could send four messages at the same time over one wire.
One scientific alternative to the term "hay fever" is "pollenosis."
The Hirudo leech lays its babies within a cocoon. The Amazon leech carries its babies on its stomach ÷ sometimes as many as 300.
"Poliosis" is the graying of the hair. It comes from "polios," the Greek word for "gray."
In Canada, if a debt is higher than 25 cents, it is illegal to pay it with pennies.
Tiny dust particles surround a comet. They are swept into a long tail by the solar wind, which consists of subatomic particles speeding from the sun at a speed of hundreds of miles per second.
On this date:
In 1869, the world's first official prepaid postcards were issued by the Austrian Post Office.
In 1903, baseball's first annual World Series began on this date, pitting Boston against Pittsburgh.
In 1908, the Model T automobile was introduced by Henry Ford, and sold for $825.
In 1943, the International War Crimes Tribunal in Nuremburg sentenced 12 Nazi leaders to death.
In 1949, the People's Republic of China was formed with Mao Tse-tung as its head.
In 1961, Roger Maris hit his record 61st home run of the season. The 27-year-old Maris smashed Babe Ruth's long-standing record on the final day of the American League season.
In 1962, Brian Epstein signed the Beatles to a five-year management contract.
In 1974, the Watergate cover-up trial opened in Washington.
"I wish I could be more upbeat, but I see most of the factors on the downside,"
ö Tracy Clark of ASU's Bank One Economic Outlook Center, on the possibility of a quick economic recovery in Arizona.