Profs voice war concerns at Mideast center forum
About 500 students, professors and Tucsonans packed a lecture hall last night to hear UA faculty sound off on U.S. policy on Iraq. Some lecturers made the case for immediate invasion, while others outlined peaceful resolutions among cheers, yells and moans from the audience.
Congress gave President Bush the authority to invade Iraq on Friday, with the U.S. House approving the resolution 296 to133 and the U.S. Senate 77 to 23.
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UAPD reports rise in obscene call complaints
More students are reporting harassing phone calls, but many still don't press charges
UA residence halls have been targeted in a string of uninvited phone calls that range in content from curious to obscene.
There were reports of 14 obscene phone calls to women in their dorms from Sept. 29 to Oct. 9, in what UA police describe as random harassment.
The calls have been made to residence Halls all across campus from Coronado, to Kaibab-Huachuca, Manzanita-Mohave and Coconino.
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Nanotechnology researchers aim for atomic scale
UA physicists, chemists employ nanoscience to develop technologies for human health, convenience
One of the biggest trends in the future of computers and integrated circuits will be their rapid decrease in size and increase in power.
Electronics will be able to perform new tasks and use old tasks in revolutionary ways.
"We'll be able to have things like video-on-demand and have little things that float around our body and analyze our blood and can be used to detect disease in real time. These things seem like science fiction today, but 10 years from now they could be reality," said Seth Marder, chemistry professor.
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On the Spot
Jordan native voices thoughts on world domination, digit amputation and cartoon mice
WILDCAT: What do you want to do?
MALHAS: I want to work in consulting, actually, in New York.
WILDCAT: Do you want to take over the world?
MALHAS: Hopefully.
WILDCAT: Yeah, that's a good idea, you know. Did you ever watch "Pinky and the Brain?"
MALHAS: Uh, yes.
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U-WIRE: NYU students protest Sen. Hillary Clinton's pro-war vote with sit-in
NEW YORK ÷ Five New York University students sat inside Sen. Hillary Clinton's New York offices last Thursday and refused to leave for nine hours, asking that she vote against military action in Iraq.
The students made an appointment with Clinton's aides on the premise that they were delivering an anti-war petition with more than 1,000 signatures, which they circulated around the university the week before. However, they refused to leave the offices after Clinton's aides told them she would not sign a statement guaranteeing her vote against military action.
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U-WIRE: Rapping sing-and-run students interrupt classes at U. Florida
GAINESVILLE, Fla. ÷ Sitting in class bored?
What if two guys popped in the door, performed a rap song and ran out before anybody could stop them?
It's happened at UF more than 25 times in the past week.
Sophomores Butch Tanner and Sami Halabi have been visiting classes across campus and singing their rendition of Ludacris' "What's Your Fantasy?" and the traditional "Happy Birthday to You."
"Students are getting extra for their tuition," Halabi said.
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Fast facts:
The five favorite U.S. school lunches nationwide, according to the American School Food Service Association, are, in order, pizza, chicken nuggets, tacos, burritos and hamburgers.
It takes 17 facial muscles to smile but 42 to frown.
Sedimentary rocks are used to make cement, glass, fertilizer, baking soda, laundry bleach and aspirin.
Bees must collect nectar from two million flowers to make a one-pound comb of honey.
On this date:
In 1901, in Philadelphia, Pa., the first fishing magazine in the United States was published. It was called American Angler.
In 1905, joining the other U.S. citizens who didn't want women to vote, President Grover Cleveland wrote an article for Ladies Home Journal. Cleveland said, "We all know how much further women go than men in their social rivalries and jealousies · sensible and responsible women do not want to vote."
"This is a reminder of how dangerous the world can be if these al-Qaeda are free to roam."
÷ President George W. Bush on the suspected al-Qaeda links of gunmen who fired on U.S. troops in Kuwait yesterday.