William Middleton Pima Community College photography student
By Rebekah Jampole
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday October 16, 2002
Visiting photography student explains blue stitches in his forehead and alter-ego, Moe
WILDCAT: I see you have some stitches on your head, do you mind if I ask what happened?
MIDDLETON: I was attacked by ·
WILDCAT: A killer rabbit?
MIDDLETON: No, a guy with a knife.
WILDCAT: Are you serious?
WILDCAT: Did you know him?
WILDCAT: Did you beat him down?
MIDDLETON: I took it away from him?
WILDCAT: That is awesome! You're like a ninja.
MIDDLETON: Everything is getting better.
WILDCAT: Good. So when do you get them taken out?
MIDDLETON: Uh, sometime soon.
WILDCAT: Did you get to pick out the color, because they're blue ÷ that's pretty fun!
MIDDLETON: No, they just gave me the blue ones.
WILDCAT: So, what are you doing here today?
MIDDLETON: My class gets a special viewing of the archival stuff at the center.
WILDCAT: Nice. So, what kind of photographer are you? What do you like to take pictures of? Please don't say naked people. Although you do kind of seem like you would be that kind of person. Just kidding.
MIDDLETON: I'm not opposed to it. I like documentary stuff, though.
WILDCAT: If you had to be a character on "The Simpsons," who would you be and why?
WILDCAT: But Moe kind of has some issues. Oh, I see, you even have a button of him on your backpack.
MIDDLETON: Yes, yes, I would be Moe.
WILDCAT: Do you want to own a bar one day?
MIDDLETON: No, I've just worked in enough of them.
WILDCAT: I see, you want to contribute to the drinking habits of drunkards like Homer and Barney.
MIDDLETON: No, but I could imagine myself doing it one day.