Matt Salmon Republican candidate for governor
By Rebekah Jampole
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday October 23, 2002
Gubernatorial candidate on cleaning toilets, objects that can get stuck in your nose and kilts
WILDCAT: What's the worst job you've ever had?
SALMON: Oh · probably cleaning toilets at McDonald's.
WILDCAT: And how long did you do that?
SALOMON: Well, I did other things; that was just part of the job. You know, nobody likes cleaning toilets, so when it finally got up to the point where I was actually working on the grill, flipping the burgers, I thought I was in heaven.
WILDCAT: Speaking of fries · have you ever stuck anything up your nose?
SALMON: Other than my finger?
SALMON: I've never stuck anything up my nose that I can remember to the best of my knowledge.
WILDCAT: Any foreign objects you've had to recover from the noses of your children?
SALMON: No, I had one that swallowed a penny, but nothing up their noses other than their fingers.
WILDCAT: If you had the choice to be buried in a pyramid or cryogenically frozen and sent orbiting the earth, which would you choose?
SALMON: Probably cryogenically frozen.
WILDCAT: How many years would you like to wait to be unfrozen?
SALMON: I don't know, probably 500 years.
WILDCAT: What decade would you like the fashion to resemble at the time of your unfreezing?
SALMON: Forties. Like the guys who wore the fedoras.
WILDCAT: And the zoot suits?
SALMON: Yeah, yeah · I'd look good in a zoot suit.
WILDCAT: What about a kilt? Do you think you would look good in a kilt?
SALMON: I don't know.
WILDCAT: Do you think they are rugged and manly or skirts on men?
SALMON: After I saw "Braveheart," it made me think those are some manly Scots.
WILDCAT: I prefer that there not be large open spaces in the bottom of men's clothing. I'm all about seams.
SALMON: Actually, Salmon is a Scottish name, so maybe in another time and another place I would have worn a kilt.