Andrea Zeigler Arizona Academy of Beauty
By Rebekah Jampole
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Tuesday November 19, 2002
Beauty school student hot for Frankie Avalon, not for feet
WILDCAT: I'm so jealous. Do you know what my favorite scene in "Grease" is?
ZEIGLER: "Beauty School Dropout."
WILDCAT: Yes. OK, well I am glad that I just made every guy who was reading this article throw it in the trash, but hey. But while we're on the subject, Frankie Avalon was pretty hot for an old guy.
WILDCAT: Do you think I would look good with Princess Leah buns?
ZEIGLER: Um, I was never fond of Princess Leah buns.
WILDCAT: Sometimes, I take danishes and stick them on my ears and pretend I'm her.
ZEIGLER: Really?
WILDCAT: No. Have you had to do stuff with people's feet yet?
ZEIGLER: No, not yet. But I've had classes on it; I just haven't had to do a client yet.
WILDCAT: It's a good thing. I think that feet are the most disgusting part of the human body. Sometimes I think I would just rather have stumps.
ZEIGLER: Yeah. I'm not excited about touching them.
WILDCAT: Do you at least get to play with people's hair?
ZEIGLER: Yeah, usually old ladies.
WILDCAT: That's fun. You can do whatever you want; it's not like they can see what you've done. Just kidding. Sorry, grandma.
ZEIGLER: Exactly.
WILDCAT: So, now it is time for the super deep question.
WILDCAT: If you had to listen to heavy-metal or all-commercial radio all the time, which would you choose?
ZEIGLER: Probably commercial, because I hate heavy metal.
WILDCAT: And commercial jingles are just so darn catchy.
ZEIGLER: Exactly.
WILDCAT: Do you have a favorite?
ZEIGLER: I don't know.
WILDCAT: I'm a big fan of the Geico gecko. Genius, I tell you.