Jason Urman Accounting junior
By Jeff Sklar
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Thursday January 16, 2003
Accounting junior wants you to spit in his face so he can knock you out, but not at the bookstore
WILDCAT: Where do you work?
URMAN: The bookstore.
WILDCAT: How's that?
URMAN: It sucks.
WILDCAT: What was the strangest thing someone did to you today?
URMAN: Spit in my face.
WILDCAT: You must not have responded well to that.
URMAN: No I didn't like that. But I'm just kidding. No one spit in my face. But I wish someone had spit in my face.
URMAN: Because it would've given me a reason to knock them out.
WILDCAT: So you're in favor of knocking out customers at the bookstore?
URMAN: No, I'm not really in favor of it, but I would.
WILDCAT: I see you're carrying a bag of books. Did you steal them from the bookstore?
URMAN: I didn't steal them. I actually purchased them today.
WILDCAT: Purchased them. Interesting. For your accounting classes?
URMAN: Music and accounting classes.
WILDCAT: Which do you like better, the music or the accounting?
URMAN: I'd say the music.
WILDCAT: Oh, so you like the music classes better, but you're majoring in accounting?
URMAN: I need a job after I get out of college.
WILDCAT: Maybe you could be a musical accountant.
URMAN: I'll try. It'd help me entertain the people at the office.
WILDCAT: Yeah, what sort of things do you think a musical accountant would do?
URMAN: I don't know, maybe record company stuff.
WILDCAT: That's not very original.
URMAN: Maybe I could sit on a tricycle and juggle balls while I play a flute or something.
WILDCAT: That's not very much accounting.