
KAMP fee will go to vote
The $1 fee students pay to keep KAMP radio on the air will go up for vote later this semester.
The referendum was passed by ASUA last semester, but now students will have the opportunity to vote on the fee on March 4 and 5. Following a UA decision, the Arizona Board of Regents will have the final say on the fee, said ASUA Executive Vice President Jennifer Reece.
"If it's not passed, we're done," said Brian VanBuren, general manager of KAMP student radio. "I don't know that we'll be able to continue to grow or even operate without it."
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Yearning for a chance to play on Sunday
A resume.
Most often associated with references, job descriptions, some contact information, or maybe an E-mail address, this item is presented by fax or handed personally to the prospective employer by a job-seeker clad in dress clothing.
For Bobby Wade and Jason Johnson, their resumes are dirty, sweaty, and have more to do with fooling defensive backs, reading defenses, and reaching the end zone.
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