York Lewis, geological sciences senior
By Rebekah Kleinman
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Thursday January 30, 2003
Geosciences senior from N.Y. was teased as a child, and would maybe like to rule Jupiter
WILDCAT: So you like rocks?
LEWIS: Yeah.
WILDCAT: Cool. What about this rock down here? How long did it take to grow up?
LEWIS: Generally, in the order of 10,000 years to millions of years, hundreds of millions of years.
WILDCAT: Really? They're that old? So this rock could have been stomped on by T-Rex?
LEWIS: Maybe. The rocks around the Catalina Mountains are probably around 70,000 years old.
WILDCAT: Wow! Let's go back to your name. Do you like it?
LEWIS: I do.
WILDCAT: It's very unique. Were you teased as a child?
LEWIS: Yeah, they called me York Peppermint Patty.
WILDCAT: That's funny. I probably would have been one of those kids. Sorry. So what do you think about the warm weather?
LEWIS: It's actually nice. I'm form New York so ·
WILDCAT: York from New York. Cool.
LEWIS: Aww · you caught it. Damn it.
WILDCAT: I wish I was Zona from Arizona. No, really I don't. I made that up. Back to the weather. Do you prefer to have to put more clothes on or take them off?
LEWIS: Basically, it's always easier to put more clothes on to keep myself warmer, but when it's cold it's always nice.
WILDCAT: Agreed. If you were to take over a planet, what would it be and what would you call the people or aliens in your kingdom?
LEWIS: Which planet? This is a good question.
WILDCAT: Deep, I know.
LEWIS: Probably Jupiter because it's big.
WILDCAT: And would you be king or czar or big daddy or kingfish?
LEWIS: Caesar. Just Caesar and I'd call my people Jupitans.
WILDCAT: Original.