Caroline Lindow Chef at Ventana Canyon Resort
By Jeff Sklar
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Friday January 31, 2003
Chef relaxes by playing pool in Union, but prefers to go crazy at home on her ÎRevolution' dance pad
WILDCAT: What brings you down here to the Student Union basement?
LINDOW: Just to play pool, relax.
WILDCAT: Is this the first time you've been down here?
LINDOW: No, it's the second.
WILDCAT: What do you think of it?
LINDOW: It's a lot better than any of the other pool halls.
WILDCAT: So you're into pool?
WILDCAT: You any good?
LINDOW: No, not really.
WILDCAT: You ever beat anyone?
LINDOW: Yeah, sometimes. But not recently.
WILDCAT: But you still play. You just like getting beaten?
LINDOW: Yeah, more or less.
WILDCAT: What are some other things you've been beaten in before?
LINDOW: Dancing.
WILDCAT: You're no good at dancing?
LINDOW: No, I'm good at dancing. I just get beaten.
WILDCAT: What type of dancing?
LINDOW: Dance-Dance Revolution.
WILDCAT: Oh, the arcade game. That's a pretty big thing. I hear the four-year-olds really like that. Do they ever beat you?
LINDOW: I haven't played with any four-year-olds.
WILDCAT: Do you ever try the one down here?
LINDOW: No, I have one at home.
WILDCAT: At home? I'm thinking obsessive.
LINDOW: It's for Playstation.
WILDCAT: For Playstation? So you dance with your thumbs on that?
LINDOW: No, I have my own pad.
WILDCAT: What does one of those pads cost you?
LINDOW: About $25.
WILDCAT: Boy, I really am saying obsessive now ÷ to fork over $25 for one of those pads.
LINDOW: My parents paid for it.
WILDCAT: Do your parents pay for other things too?
WILDCAT: Like your addictive pool habits?
LINDOW: No, I actually pay for that.
WILDCAT: Good for you.