A.J. Teaters Psychology freshman
By Rebekah Kleinman
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Tuesday February 11, 2003
Psychology freshman wants to know why there are so many social problems
WILDCAT: Do you like to pick people's brains apart?
WILDCAT: Do you solve all your friends' problems?
TEATERS: I have enough problems on my own.
WILDCAT: At least you have the background to figure out what's going on in your head. So what do you want to do?
TEATERS: Be a social psychologist. You know, study all the aspects of life and figure out why there's so many problems.
WILDCAT: That's very intriguing. Wow. So, what are you doing tonight?
TEATERS: Just hanging out. Skating.
WILDCAT: Are you a good skateboarder?
WILDCAT: One time, I was lifeguarding and when I was down from the chair I took a skateboard from one of the kids, because you know you're not supposed to have them in the pool. Anyway, I took the board and I was attempting to skateboard around the deck and I fell and bonked my head.
TEATERS: And you probably quit after that.
WILDCAT: Heck yeah. Haven't been on one since.
TEATERS: That's how most people are.
WILDCAT: I have balance issues. Is that your main mode of transportation?
TEATERS: Yep, and my shoes.
WILDCAT: Super. What is this you're drinking?
TEATERS: It's a "Fuse."
WILDCAT: I thought it was tomato juice and I thought you were pretty disgusting for drinking tomato juice.
TEATERS: Yeah, that stuff is gross. I don't like it.
WILDCAT: Who was the genius that thought it would be a good idea to drink ketchup?
TEATERS: I don't like tomato at all. I don't eat it on anything.
WILDCAT: If only people knew it would be so easy to make money.
TEATERS: Yeah, think of the guy that invented toothpicks.
WILDCAT: Now, there's a genius!
TEATERS: A slice of wood, that's all it is. Great.