ALYSON GROVE/Arizona Daily Wildcat
Sophomore Monica Bisordi tied for the floor title while earning a second-place overall finish in Missouri.
By Maxx Wolfson
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday February 12, 2003
Who: Monica Bisordi
Year: Sophomore
Sport: Gymnastics
Position: All-Around
From: San Mateo, Calif.
Why Bisordi won: After struggling for two weeks, Bisordi returned to her old form in the Cat Classic this past weekend. Bisordi posted an all-around score of 39.325 to break the eight-year Cat Classic record mark of 39.300 and top eight other all-arounders to win her third all-around title of the season.
Wildcat: Must have been nice to compete well again?
Bisordi: It helped a lot because the past two weeks my meets were kind of shaky and I started out kind of rough. It was like a disappointment because personally I knew that I was better than I was the last two weeks.
Wildcat: How is your knee doing?
Bisordi: I injured my knee in the last home meet, and it was on the first rotation. So a lot of the time, I was thinking about my knee. It's getting better.
Wildcat: Do the judges take off points if you wear a knee brace?
Bisordi: Some coaches want you to tape it with brown tape so it doesn't distract that much. Sometimes the judges will come up to you and say you should put some tape on that.
Wildcat: Your next meet is on Valentine's Day against Utah. Do you expect people to have an early dinner and spend the rest of their evening at the meet?
Bisordi: A lot of parents are in town; I know mine are. So it could have more people than usual. It's a bad thing though because I'm not sure that many people want to spend it at a gymnastics meet.
Wildcat: Any special plans after the meet?
Bisordi: I will probably just go out to dinner with my parents. Unfortunately, my boyfriend can't go. I can't do anything special because we'll be competing until 9:30 or 10 at night.
Wildcat: This question might get you in trouble, but who's your favorite UA men's basketball player?
Bisordi: I would have to say Fil Torres, since he is my boyfriend. However, I think it's really cool to watch the seniors play. I like to watch AndrŽ (Iguodala) and Hassan (Adams) dunk the ball.
Wildcat: I saw the movie "Nadia" when I was a kid; I'm sure you have seen it many times.
Bisordi: That goes back a long time ago.
Wildcat: Did it inspire you?
Bisordi: When I was younger, I watched it more growing up. It was actually one of my favorite movies growing up.
Wildcat: Being from NorCal, are you a San Francisco '49ers fan?
Bisordi: I'm like one of those girls whose favorite team is based on "what teams have the best colors." However, my entire family is Niners fans.
Wildcat: Since it's Oscar season, what's your favorite all-time movie?
Bisordi: I would have to say "Romeo and Juliet" and "Titanic." My favorite new movie is "The Sweetest Thing."
Wildcat: Who's your all-time favorite gymnast?
Bisordi: My favorite is Kim Zmeskal. She is very pretty to watch and dynamic at the same time. A lot of times you don't find that contrast in an Olympic level gymnast.
Wildcat: Lastly, what's there to do in Tucson if you're not 21?
Bisordi: We go to a lot of movies. It's weird because at home I never watch that many movies. Over Christmas break we played a lot of board games. I'm always with the rest of the team.