Monday February 17, 2003   |   |   online since 1994
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Arizona Daily Wildcat
Monday February 17, 2003

Much evidence exists that can support theory of evolution

I was pretty shocked to see "An Open Letter to the University Community" on the back page of the Wildcat on Friday. How ignorant can one be to say outright that there is "zero real evidence of any connecting link or intermediary species between man and animal." Zero real evidence ÷ except for the numerous skeletons and fossils uncovered of prehistoric men and ape-like animals, documenting the steps and transitions from ape to human. Zero real evidence ÷ except for the fact that we have witnessed evolution in action, from natural selection of moths in England to the evolution of Darwin's famous finches.

Show me "real evidence" of Adam and Eve. Show me something more than a story in a book! Be able to design an experiment to test your evidence, and be able to reproduce the results of your experiment! That is real science. Creationism is not science, and it is absolutely absurd to call someone a "creation scientist." The only evidence they have is the strong belief in their heart that what they feel is right. And a feeling is not scientific proof. The letter also says that this "is NOT a religious debate." Yet it is being held in the Calvary Chapel, you must contact a pastor if interested in debating, not to mention it's sponsored by the Creation Research Society.

Maybe the reason why no UA scientist wants to debate is because they know that there's no point in trying to present their evidence for evolution, because people as obviously closed-minded as the people who published this ad will never listen or accept a viewpoint that is different from theirs, no matter how scientifically sound or compelling the opposing evidence is.

Sarah Hartwell
ecology and evolutionary biology junior

Constitution doesn't provide citizens Îabsolute freedom'

This is in response to the Issue of the Week: draft registration. I for one think that this new plan is a great way to show young Americans some sense of responsibility. I also think that the writers in this newspaper need to grow out of their extremely liberal shells that they isolate themselves in. This is the real world. I love the United States, and I love the freedoms that I have here. Unfortunately, there is nowhere in the Constitution that provides for absolute freedom. It is great to be able to have a right to vote, a right to expression, etc., but then say "I'm not going to fight for those freedoms, somebody else can." If you don't pay taxes, you can get severely fined and even go to jail in certain cases. In jail, there is no such thing as freedom. So because we Americans have freedom, we don't have to pay taxes, right? Thomas Jefferson once said, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." For writers like Mr. Flesch and the infamous Ms. Hall, don't look now, but your youth is showing.

Chad P. Schneider
marketing senior

U.S. a sovereign nation; has no obligation to listen to U.N.

This is a response to the Feb. 12 letter by Kris Brown. Perhaps you are forgetting, sir, that the United States is a sovereign nation and thus answers to no authority but its own? The United States has no obligation whatsoever to bow down before the United Nations, which has agendas of its own, and damages its own interests. There is no law and no authority that we must answer to, especially if such a law is harmful to us.

I agree it seems unreasonable to hold "unlawful combatants," but that's only because we should have executed every one of them a long time ago. It is no arrogance to hold onto the rights of a nation against the foolishness of the rest of the world. There is no comparison between our human rights violations and those of Iraq, where tens of thousands of Saddam's own people were gassed just to see if it would work. As for U.N. resolutions, the U.N. is just a puppet being passed from hand to hand. When it's not in our own hand, it's best to ignore it completely. Lastly, those who commit acts of aggression against us should realize that by doing so they forfeit their own lives and property. They should not complain when they reap a harvest of death for their bitter seeds. Why then, do you defend them?

Joe Callaway
aerospace engineering junior

ÎOn the Spot' column Îwaste of space,' should be canceled

This letter is simply to validate how most of the UA campus most likely feels about the On the Spot column, regardless of who does the interview · it sucks! There must be something better to print than a string of non-topical questions that don't correspond to anything. Maybe, instead, just a blank area. "If you were a toothpaste, what flavor would you be?" has no relevance to anyone, not even a toothpaste company. This column is simply just a waste of space that could be used for something better like a cardboard box ad or a place to doodle other than the classifieds. Or maybe the Wildcat could draw a template for a paper airplane to make lectures more enjoyable. Please, do everyone a favor and cancel this column and put something else in its place. Ted Koppel's granddaughter could do a better interview.

Evan Adams
geology junior

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