The Crocodile Hunter meets the Wildcat family
Timidly and cautiously, the two explorers look to the left, then to the right, then back down again at their already crumpled map. Red brick, untrimmed palm trees and dead grass fill their peripheral. Blazing heat scorches the hairless ÷ but not hatless ÷ head of the defeated hunter. Clad in a red polo shirt, he gazes about, dumbfounded. A small, artificial comfort begins to encompass him as he realizes his outfit is camouflaged with the thousands of animals around him. That is, except for his plaid, mid-thigh length shorts and knee-high white socks.
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Issue of the Weekend: Confessions to UA parents
Confessions of fact and fiction
The obvious hidden truth behind this talk show-type family confessional is that God knows none of us actually want to reveal anything to our parents. For most, no big deal ÷ they just don't tell their parents about the issue. However, when both your parents work on the UA campus, as mine do, it's a little more difficult.
Therefore, in an effort to mystify relatives and readers alike, I present to you my Confession-of-Things-I-May-or-May-Not-Have-Done-This-Semester.
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