CLAIRE C. LAURENCE/Arizona Summer Wildcat
Communication freshman Meredith Entsminger and undecided freshman Kelly Baublits battle a barrage of blue paint in late September. Members of the UA greek community are traditionally charged with repainting the "A" on Sentinel Peak west of Tucson once a year.
By Jesse Lewis
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
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A guide to the UA's fraternities and sororities
More than 2,500 students at the UA are members of the 46 lettered social fraternities and sororities on campus. With so many groups focusing on different areas of service, academics and cultural issues, it is hard to keep them straight.
Whether you are looking to join or just looking to make sense of it all, here are short profiles on each of the social greek organizations at the UA.
Sorority recruitment begins Aug. 18 with an orientation in the Tucson Catalina Room in the Student Union Memorial Center, 1303 E. University Blvd. Chapter visits will continue for that week and the chapters will extend their bids on Aug. 24.
Fraternity rush will begin with an info session at 6 p.m. on Aug. 25 in Social Sciences building Room 100. Rush will continue for that week and bid day is Sept. 3. The process of rush has changed this year for the men's organizations. In the past, fraternities have used a card system in which men would visit each chapter and receive a stamp. Now when visiting the chapters, men will receive an itinerary for what each house is doing to help them make the best decision about where they belong.
The African American fraternities' Round Robin is Sept. 24.
Anyone interested in participating or finding more information should visit http://www.union.arizona.edu/greek.
Alpha Epsilon Pi
1510 N. Vine St.
Nickname: AEPi
Founded: 1913
Affiliation: Relay for Life
A word from the president, Jacob Reuben: "Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity prides itself on being one of the fastest growing fraternities on campus. We focus our programming on educational, philanthropic and social events. Our brotherhood begins at the University of Arizona and continues throughout our men's lives."
Alpha Gamma Rho
638 E. University Blvd.
Nickname: AGR
Founded: 1904
Motto: "Alpha Gamma Rho is a fraternity of sincere and dedicated men"
Primary majors: agriculture, MIS, finance, history
Affiliations: Ronald McDonald House, Casa de los Ninos, Adopt-a-Highway
A little something extra: AGR is the only fraternity on campus classified as both social and professional. The chapter does not have a pledge program; once a bid is extended, the man is initiated within 72 hours and receives full voting rights and member privileges.
A word from the president, Brent Wolfe: "Despite being nationally recognized as an agriculture fraternity, we aren't what everyone else says we are. We aren't hicks; we are very diverse and we have a lot to offer to men who are serious about education and the complete college experience."
Alpha Phi Alpha
Student Union Memorial Center Room 404
Nickname: Alphas
Founded: 1906
Motto: "First of all, service to all, we shall transcend all"
Affiliations: A Voteless People is a Hopeless People, Go to High School, Go to College, Project Alpha
A little something extra: Alpha Phi Alpha is a member of the national NPHC and was founded in Ithaca, New York, by seven distinguished individuals known as "the Jewels" on the campus of Cornell University.
Beta Sigma Epsilon
1303 E. University Blvd., P.O. Box 20783
Nickname: Beta Sig
Founded: 2000
Affiliation: Native American Youth Entrepreneur Camp
A little something extra: Beta Sigma Epsilon was founded to serve the Native American community through its members.
Beta Theta Pi
645 E. University Blvd.
Nickname : Beta
Founded: 1839
Primary majors: business, biology, MCB, engineering
Affiliation: Leukemia Lymphoma Society
A little something extra: Beta Theta Pi received awards for Best Social Program and Highest Average GPA at least year's Greek Awards.
A word from the president, Matt Strom: "We are involved on campus, succeed in academics and have a strong social program and activities."
Chi Phi
1104 E. Seventh St.
Nickname : Chi Phi
Founded: 1824
Motto: "Since 1824, the Chi Phi Fraternity has existed for the purpose of promoting brotherhood and individual growth through truth, honor, friendship, personal integrity and academic excellence."
Affiliations: American Heart Association, Boys and Girls Club
A little something extra: Chi Phi was recently recognized by its national organization as the most rapidly improving chapter of the Chi Phi Fraternity.
A word from the president, Pete Backlund: "We pride ourselves on the close bonds we have with each other. Our selective recruitment process and small size ensure the feelings of true brotherhood and lifelong friendships that exist in our chapter. Being a member of our chapter is more exciting right now than it has ever been."
Delta Sigma Phi
Nickname : Delta Sig
Founded: 1899
Motto: "To Build a Better Man"
Primary majors: business, biology, political science
Affiliations: March of Dimes, Habitat for Humanity
A little something extra: Last year Delta Sigma Phi won the Highest GPA Award from its national organization and maintains one of the highest GPAs on campus. The chapter also hosted a pool tournament with Sigma Kappa Sorority to support the Oasis Center; the tournament is to become an annual event.
A word from the president, Ryan Griffeth: "Delta Sigma Phi gives its members the opportunity to make the most of their time spent at the UA by offering numerous social, philanthropic, academic and athletic events, while forming a bond of brotherhood throughout our membership."
Delta Tau Delta
1050 N. Cherry Ave.
Nickname: Delt, DTD
Founded: 1859
Affiliations: Delt Games, Race for the Cure, Adopt-a-School
Kappa Alpha
906 N. First Ave.
Nickname: KA
Founded: 1865
Motto: "Dieu et les Dames" (God and the Ladies) and "Defining the Gentleman"
Primary majors: business, engineering, communication.
Affiliation: Muscular Dystrophy Association
A little something extra: Last year, the chapter won the Samuel Z. Ammen Award, an award of excellence from its national organization.
A word from the president, Eli Cohen: "Our chapter provides its members with exemplary leadership, brotherhood, scholarship and social experiences that have earned us a renowned reputation. We pride ourselves on being recognized as 'the gentlemen' of the fraternity world."
Kappa Sigma
1423 E. First St.
Nickname: Kappa Sig
Founded: 1869
Affiliations: March of Dimes, Race for the Cure
A little something extra: Kappa Sigma is the oldest fraternity in Arizona, is one of the largest national fraternities and is the largest fraternity at the UA.
Omega Delta Phi
Nickname: ODPhi
Founded: 1987
Motto: "Crescit Eundo" (It Grows as it Goes) and "One Culture, Any Race"
Primary majors: business, retail, Spanish and theatre arts
Affiliations: Boys and Girls Club and Project YES
A little something extra: ODPhi has won several awards in the last year including Organization of the Year and Undergraduate Chapter of the Year from the National Association of Latino Fraternal Organizations and Chapter of the Year and the Community Service Award from its national organization.
A word from the president, David Jimenez: "Omega Delta Phi has become the most diverse fraternity in the nation. Founded as a Hispanic fraternity, ODPhi has grown into a family that celebrates all cultures and ethnicities. Best known for our dedication to the community through hands-on community service, Omega Delta Phi has won several awards locally and nationally. The most special thing about this group of men is its tight-knit brotherhood despite many differences in culture, religion and tradition."
Phi Beta Sigma
Student Union Memorial Center Room 404
Nickname: Sigmas
Founded: 1914
Motto: "Culture for Service, Service for Humanity"
Primary majors: business, aerospace and civil engineering, music business
Affiliations: Sigma Storytime, Ronald McDonald House
A little something extra: The members of Phi Beta Sigma carry the leading banner with their sisters, Zeta Phi Beta, in the Martin Luther King Jr. March every year.
A word from the president, Skyler Miles: "We are a bunch of hard-working guys. Our chapter is a good group of guys who are very focused on success and taking care of our responsibilities."
Phi Delta Theta
1745 E. Second St.
Nickname: Phi Delt
Founded: 1845
Affiliation: Walk to D'feet ALS
A little something extra: Phi Delta Theta holds the highest GPA of all men's fraternities.
Phi Kappa Psi
Student Union Memorial Center Room 404
Nickname: Phi Psi
Founded: 1852
Primary majors: business, communication, engineering
Affiliation: Big Brothers and Big Sisters
A little something extra: Phi Kappa Psi has 83 chapters with over 100,000 members worldwide.
Phi Kappa Tau
Nickname: Phi Tau
Founded: 1906
Affiliation: The Hole-In-The-Wall Gang
Phi Gamma Delta
1801 E. First St.
Nickname: FIJI
Founded: 1898
Motto: "A Gentleman Above All Else"
Majority of Majors: business, regional development and political science
Affiliation: YMCA Basketball
A little something extra: FIJI won the Chapter Choice Award last year, an award voted on by all of the campus sororities.
A word from the president, D.J. Asad: "Our focus has always been to give back to our community and have fun while doing it and to always be gentlemen."
Pi Kappa Phi
1449 N. Cherry St.
Nickname: Pi Kapp
Founded: 1904
Motto: "A Man of Class"
Affiliation: PUSH America
A little something extra: Pi Kapp is among the top three in fraternity academic performance and over 25 percent of the chapter is involved in student government and organizations. Pi Kapp raised more money last year for philanthropic projects than any other chapter. The chapter was also the first fraternity ever to receive the Dean's Award for Best Greek Organization
A word from the president, Ian Sambor: "A Pi Kapp is an all-around guy. We all fit into a lot of different molds; as a whole we don't just fit one mold."
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
1509 E. Second St.
Nickname: SAE
Founded: 1856
Primary majors: business, communication, regional development, political science, biology, history and Spanish
Affiliation: Jim Click's Roll n' Run
A little something extra: Kappa Sigma is the second-largest fraternity on campus, with 115 men, but charges the highest dues, $1,850 per semester. That is $650 higher than the second-highest and $1,730 higher than the lowest.
A word from the president, Seth Garrett: "SAE is a fraternity that bleeds friendship, in my opinion, more than any other organization on campus. We are an organization that bases its beliefs on brotherhood, loyalty, friendship and honor. Everyone has heard the cliché of fraternities and sororities being places where 'friends are bought.' The way I look at it, SAE is a place where friendship is not bought but gained. And it is tested, explored and proven strong, such as any aspect in life."
Sigma Alpha Mu
317 N. Vine St. #2101
Nickname: Sammy
Founded: 1909
Affiliation: Elizabeth Glazer Pediatrics AIDS foundation
A little something extra: Sammy is the largest fraternity on the east coast.
Sigma Lambda Beta
Student Union Memorial Center Room 404
Nickname: Lambda Betas
Founded: 1986
Motto: "Opportunity for Wisdom; Wisdom for Culture"
Primary majors: business, MCB, education
Affiliations: Latino Vote USA, Boys and Girls Club South Tucson Chapter
A little something extra: Sigma Lambda Beta hosts the annual Latino and Latina of the Year Banquet honoring Latino faculty, staff and Tucson community members.
A word from the president, Alex Matus: "We are the largest Latino-based fraternity in the nation. Our focus is on the four principles of brotherhood, scholarship, community service and cultural awareness. We are Latino-based but we have a multicultural membership; we are very diverse."
Sigma Nu
1425 E. Ninth St.
Nickname: S Nus
Founded: 1869
Primary majors: graphic design, engineering, writing, business, political science
Affiliation: South Tucson Clean-Up, MDA Toast for Life
A little something extra: Sigma Nu is an honor fraternity
A word from the president, Jeremy Rouse: "Sigma Nu was founded on the principles of love, honor and truth, a tradition we try to uphold. We were founded in opposition to hazing and still hold true to that."
Sigma Phi Epsilon
1420 N. Vine St.
Nickname: Sig Ep
Founded: 1901
Affiliation: Habitat for Humanity
Sigma Pi
1625 E. Drachman Blvd.
Nickname: SPies
Founded: 1897
Creed: "I believe in Sigma Pi, a Fellowship of kindred minds, united in Brotherhood to advance Truth and Justice, to promote Scholarship, to encourage Chivalry, to diffuse Culture, and to develop Character, in the Service of God and Man; and I will strive to make real the Fraternity's ideals in my own daily life.
Affiliation: American Red Cross
A little something extra: The UA chapter of Sigma Pi was founded in November of 2003, making it the youngest fraternity on campus
A word from the president, James Wie: "Sigma Pi is the newest social fraternity to hit the UA campus. With a desire to become the best and support from both local and national alumni, Sigma Pi is well on its way. Sigma Pi offers a unique opportunity to become a founding father of the nationally known and ranked fraternity. Leave your legacy; become a founding father."
Alpha Chi Omega
1775 E. First St.
Nickname: Alpha Chi, A Chi O
Founded: 1885
Affiliations: Tucson Center for Women & Children, Support of Victims of Domestic Violence
Alpha Delta Pi
1443 E. First St.
Nickname: A D P
Founded: 1851
Motto: "We Live for Each Other."
Primary majors: Portuguese, Spanish, nursing, engineering, education, psychology
Affiliation: Ronald McDonald House
A little something extra: A D Pi was founded at the first college for women, making it the oldest and strongest sorority.
A word from the president, Dori Miletich: "Our chapter is incredibly diverse, with sisters coming to us from literally all walks of life, and each one brings tons of special qualities with them, which makes it easy to find someone in the chapter with common interests and ideas. Even though we are all unique, creative women, we are also all committed to the model of sisterhood set by four founders and passed on through our creed and our rituals. Having this as our common bond is what makes our sorority so strong!"
Alpha Epsilon Phi
1071 N. Mountain Ave.
Nickname: A E Phi
Founded: 1909
Motto: "Many Hearts, One Purpose"
Primary majors: business, communication, fine arts, media arts, political science
Affiliations: Chaim Cheba Medical Center, Elizabeth Glazier Foundation.
A word from the president, Lindsey Robinson: "Alpha Epsilon Phi is a sorority that strives for excellence in many areas. We focus on achieving high GPAs, having strong sisterhood, participating in philanthropic events and forming ties with other chapters within greek life. Our members are from all over the United States. We have women from the East coast, southern states, midwest and West coast. Everyone brings their individual personalities, which makes AEPhi such an exciting chapter to be a part of!"
Alpha Phi
1339 E. First St.
Nickname: Alpha Phi
Founded: 1872
Affiliation: Alpha Phi Foundation
Alpha Phi Gamma
Student Union Memorial Center Room 404
Nickname: A Phi G
Founded: 1994
Primary majors : engineering, business, physiology, nursing, pharmacy
Affiliation: Families with Children Adopted from China
A little something extra: Alpha Phi Gamma is the first Asian American interest sorority on campus and in Arizona.
A word from the president, Dina Lacandola: "A Phi G is made up of unique individuals that form a lifelong bond of sisterhood. Our purpose is to promote Asian awareness to the campus and community, which is demonstrated through our philanthropy and social and academic excellence."
Chi Omega
1420 E. First St.
Nickname: Chi-O
Founded: 1895
Affiliation: Make A Wish Foundation
A little something extra: Nationally, Chi Omega has 173 chapters, making it the largest sorority in the country. The chapter was also the recipient of the Chapter Choice Award and the Dean Svob Award for Best Overall Sorority at the 2004 Greek Awards
Delta Chi Lambda
MLK building, Room 320
Nickname: Delta Chi
Founded: 2000
Motto: "We are interested in women wanting to keep their eyes, mind and heart open!"
Affiliations: Boys and Girls Club, Hands Extended with Love to the Philippines (HELP).
A little something extra: This Asian interest sorority composed of ethnically diverse women was nationally founded at the UA.
Delta Delta Delta
1541 E. Second St.
Nickname: Tri Delt
Founded: 1888
Affiliation: Children's Cancer Charities
Delta Gamma
1448 E. First St.
Nickname: Dee-Gee
Founded: 1873
Affiliation: Service for Sight
Delta Sigma Theta
Student Union Memorial Center Room 404
Nickname: Deltas, DST
Founded: 1913
Motto: "Intelligence is the Touch of Wisdom"
Affiliations: Feed the Homeless, Delta Academy, AIDS Awareness.
A little something extra: Delta Sigma Theta is a historically black sorority and a member of the National Pan-Hellenic Council.
Gamma Alpha Omega
Student Union Memorial Center Room 404
Nickname: Gamma, GAO
Founded: 1993
Affiliations: John Valenzuela Youth Center, Diabetes Walk
A little something extra: GAO was nationally founded at ASU.
Gamma Phi Beta
1535 E. First St.
Nickname: Gamma Phi, G Phi
Founded: 1874
Affiliation: Campfire USA
Kappa Alpha Theta
1050 N. Mountain Ave.
Nickname: Theta
Founded: 1870
Primary majors: business, retail, journalism
Affiliation: CASA - Court Appointed Special Advocates
A little something extra: In 2001, UA's Theta chapter was awarded Most Outstanding Chapter by its national organization.
Kappa Delta Chi
P.O. Box 41676, Tucson, AZ 85717
Nickname: K D Chi
Founded: 1987
Affiliation: Project YES
A little something extra: K D Chi is a community service-based sorority and the first Latina sorority established at the UA.
Kappa Kappa Gamma
1435 E. Second St.
Nickname: Kappa
Founded: 1870
Motto: "Kappa Kappa Gamma is an organization of women which seeks for every member throughout her life bonds of friendship, mutual support, opportunities for self growth, respect for intellectual development, and an understanding of and allegiance to positive ethical principles."
Primary majors: Social sciences, retail, communication, business
Affiliations: Tucson Boys and Girls Club, Rose McGill Foundation
A word from the president, Lauren Fleichner: "Being a Kappa is not just for the four years of college; it is a membership to something greater than yourself for a lifetime."
Pi Beta Phi
1035 N. Mountain Ave.
Nickname: Pi Phi
Founded: 1867
Primary majors: business, communication, education, retail
Affiliations: National Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, Links to Literacy
A little something extra: At its national conference in 2003, the UA's chapter of Pi Phi was named the best of the nation's 132 chapters. Its also received first place in the Greek Awards for best scholarship programming and best new member programming.
A word from the president, Jessica Wheeler: "The members of the Arizona Alpha chapter of Pi Beta Phi are a group of outstanding women dedicated to personal and intellectual growth, philanthropic service to others and lifelong commitment to Pi Beta Phi Fraternity. They are women of integrity, honor and respect, and value sincere friendship. All Pi Phis are involved in various aspects of the University of Arizona and Tucson communities with diverse interests and personalities. The University of Arizona Pi Phis are excited to welcome the fabulous new member class of 2004 this fall!"
Sigma Gamma Rho
Student Union Memorial Center Room 404
Nickname: Sigma Women, Sigma, S G Rho
Founded: 1922
Motto: "Greater Service, Greater Progress"
Affiliations: Habitat for Humanity, Soles for Little Souls, Tucson Urban League
A little something extra: Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. is the only historically African-American sorority to be founded away from Howard University and on a predominantly white campus. It was founded in 1922 by seven young school teachers. A word from the president, Larissa Smith: "Our main goal is through education we are able to better the world. We look for independent women who are strong leaders."
Sigma Kappa
1588 E. First St
Nickname: Sigma Kappa
Founded: 1874
Primary majors: nursing, engineering, media arts, political science, biochemistry, retail and education
Affiliations: Alzheimer's Association, Gerontology and Maine Sea Coast Mission
Sigma Lambda Gamma
Nickname: SLG, Gammas
Founded: 1990
Affiliation: Breast Cancer Awareness
A little something extra: SLG is the largest historically Latina sorority in the nation.
Theta Nu Xi
1303 East University Blvd. #20685
Nickname: Theta Nu
Founded: 1997
Motto: "Sisters of Diversity Together as One"
Primary majors: business, MCB, physiology, Spanish, political science, history, education, music education, French
Affiliation: National Conference for Community and Justice
A little something extra: Theta Nu Chi Multicultural Sorority, Inc. strives to unite women of various cultural backgrounds and promote awareness of multicultural issues on campus and in the community
A word from the president, Priyanka Gupta : "The organization, while very young, is quickly growing and has become an active participant in campus life. Members hold offices in many organizations throughout campus and actively pursue both extracurricular and academic excellence."
Zeta Phi Beta
Student Union Memorial Center Room 404
Nickname: Zeta
Founded: 1920
Primary majors: political science, anthropology, religious studies, business, phisiology
Affiliations: Adopt-A-Highway, Stork's Nest, Z-HOPE
A little something extra: Zeta is a historically African American sorority and was the first NPHC organization to be constitutionally bound to a brother organization, Phi Beta Sigma.
A word from the president, Alina Boria: "We are a very diverse sorority outside as well as inside. Our focus is on finer womanhood, scholarship and community service. We are very dedicated to helping our community."
Information in this article was compiled from personal interviews, chapter Web sites and the Greek Life recruitment mailer.