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Commentary: The case for Ricky Hunley

James Kelley
staff writer
By James Kelley
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Thursday, October 9, 2003

Dear Mr. Livengood:

First of all, let me say that I thought you handled this whole thing well. The fact that the Internet message boards think that you and Likins should be fired for one mistake is crazier than Kobe's accuser. I like the timing ÷ you gave Mackovic plenty of chances, and now you can have a thorough search. Plus, last Sunday was my birthday ÷ the same day that Bill Romanowski's career might have ended (wow, maybe I should put "bowl game" on my Christmas list ÷ that and a longer Sports Illustrated On Campus, since they only last like half a class).

Anyway, I'm sure the old "Fire Mackovic" emails, and now the "friendly suggestion" emails actually outnumber the Viagra advertisements, porn, and hot flashes (apparently, I've got them bad) spam that is littering your e-mail box.

But I have a candidate so good that you can empty your inbox: Ricky Hunley.

Even though it seems there are more candidates than our neighbors to the west had in Tuesday recall election, Hunley stands out. Frankly, I think picking a new coach is as scary as the German "women's" World Cup team ÷ apparently, mullets are in for females in Germania. Lute only has a few years left, so basketball is not that sure of a cash cow anymore.

So why not go with the easy one?

The recruiting advantages of an African-American coach in Los Angeles have already been brought up. Mackovic seems like he'd be as out of place at a 50 Cent concert as Rush Limbaugh. But Hunley's two most important qualities haven't been brought up: His resume is loaded now, and he will put butts in the seats at the future "Casino del Sol Stadium."

Since being a serious candidate to replace Tomey, Hunley has only worked with Steve Spurrier at Florida, as well as with the Redskins and Bengals alongside Marvin Lewis ÷ the popular "genius" who is at the heart of the Bengal renaissance. The influence of former UA head coach Larry Smith (who left Arizona for Southern California, but returned this year to announce UA TV games), Spurrier and Lewis is not too shabby.

I'm sure Hunley has some friends willing to join the party who are Jedi Masters in the art of the Fun 'N Gun offense. The Fun 'N Gun at the UA? That makes me happy in the pants.

Suddenly, hiring this defensive superstar becomes a very offensive hire, and not in that Mike Pri÷ wait, wait, please don't sue ÷ I mean, Howard Stern kind of way. I know you know him, but I've never seen the Web site, so give me a break.

Plus, imagine the recruiting ramifications of having a head coach tight with Spurrier and Lewis: "Yeah, if you come to the UA and do well, I might have to put in a good word for you with the 'Skins and Bengals come draft time." writer Ivan Maisel said that Spurrier outright offered Hunley a job when he saw the Mizzou staff was fired.

In addition to that, Hunley will bring local excitement to the post. Mackovic's obviously a good coach (you know that he was a National, Big Ten, Southwest and Big XII coach of the year), but didn't excite alums like Hunley, the first Wildcat inducted to the college football Hall of Fame.

Hunley's UA days are well documented. He was a consensus first-team All-American in 1982 and 1983, setting a school record by recovering five fumbles in the latter. His brother, LaMonte, also was a linebacker for Stanford and Navy.

Hunley's resume shouldn't go to the top of the pile because he's black and starred for the UA in the awesome '80s, but neither should Joe Schmoe's of North Central Wyoming State just because there's a name plate that says "head coach" on his desk.

After his UA days, Hunley was drafted by the Bengals, but was traded to Denver, where he started on two consecutive Super Bowl teams. As a Broncos fan, I know it wasn't Parcells or Gibbs who won the games for the G-Men and Redskins ÷ it was Dan Reeves who lost it for them, so give Hunley credit for getting there.

After playing in Mile High, Hunley went to the Phoenix (as their name should be ÷ or better yet, Los Angeles) Cardinals and the Raiders. He stayed in Los Angeles to join Smith at USC in his first coaching position, then followed him to Missouri, and later joined Lewis in Washington.

In Washington, Lewis and Hunley led the Redskins' defense to fifth in the NFL in yards allowed, and Hunley, the D-line coach, had a pass rush that had 40 sacks, tied for ninth in the league.

Hunley first met Lewis when he worked with the Steelers in the NFL's minority intern coaching program. Lewis had encouraging words for him in his Bengals bio.

"I felt then that Ricky had an outstanding future in coaching," Lewis said. "We managed to get back together last season in Washington, and I'm very glad to have him make the move to Cincinnati with me."

Hunley has also been executive vice-president of the NFL Players Association, on the Board of Directors for the Black Coaches Association, on the Minority Issues Committee of the American Football Coaches Association, and has represented the Big XII and the Southeastern Conference on the AFCA's Assistant Coach Committee.

You can take your time finding a candidate, but really, all you need is as much time as it took for Andrew Walter's Heisman campaign to go up in smoke.

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