Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday, November 12, 2003
Respect needed for alumni contributions
I say shame on the Daily Wildcat staff for Monday's appalling editorial titled "Donate to faculty salaries, too." Within the article, staff members wrote, "Donors have long demonstrated an interest in funding new construction projects, and in many cases it's probably because they get to see their names on the buildings." This statement has no room inside of our school newspaper. You ungrateful individuals should learn to respect the generous hands that feed this university, not bite them.
To state that high-end donors contribute hard-earned money to see their names on a building is ridiculous and downright slanderous. If these large sum donors were only out to satisfy their egos, they could find many other selfish ways to spend their money. The true reason that these select individuals contribute to the university is their high appreciation of education and an opportunity to help improve the lives of the general public.
New buildings and other construction projects are wise investments for donors because they provide a long lasting, guaranteed return. Current faculty salary issues are the responsibility of the state Legislature and university administrators, not contributing alumni.
Wildcat staff members should learn to respect the generosity of this school's distinguished donors, not to criticize them. Will you still be complaining if a generous donor offers to build your organization a new office complex one day? I didn't think so.
Garrick Keatts
finance junior
Must share views if they are to be printed
On Thursday Nov. 6, Seth Frantzman wrote in about the Wildcat embracing other world religions. In that letter, he implied that the Wildcat has unfairly printed facts about Islam without anything on any other religion, especially Judaism. Well, if you want to see more in this paper regarding Judaism, then why don't you do as the Muslims do; Give the Wildcat editorials or fact sheets for them to print.
I do agree with you completely that, "Society will only become more tolerant through knowledge" of other people's views, but the Wildcat cannot be held responsible for people with those views who do not share them with the Wildcat. Only you and your Jewish community can be held accountable for that, not the Wildcat. I would like to thank the Wildcat for publishing the information regarding Islam and Ramadan. By doing this it helps let our UA society learn about Islam through its religious activities and not those of some madmen.
So in conclusion, if you want to see more on Judaism in the Wildcat, send it information.
Damian Pulliam
computer science senior
UA athletes not paid enough, deserve more
While I do not condone anybody stealing, Joanne Kennedy does bring up an important point in her Monday letter: UA athletes are not paid enough.
Each player receives $880 a month? The UA basketball team brought in over $14 million last year alone. Total sports revenue was over $28 million (not including merchandising based off the teams' achievements). The amount given to student athletes is barely over $4 million.
Instead of complaining about how over valued student athletes are, we should really realize how under paid they are.
Dan Norwood
pre-computer science sophomore
Misunderstandings lead to abortion ban
I was appalled Wednesday as I watched President Bush pat himself on the back during his disturbingly vainglorious signing ceremony. Although news of the recently passed restriction on abortion covered a mere scrap of the Wildcat, no one should let its significance slide under the rug. Bush's ignorance on the matter was blatantly apparent, not only through his use of medically inaccurate terminology, but also in his list of acknowledged male counterparts involved in the decision-making - none of whom will ever be pregnant. As an open comment to our nation's leader, I have this to say: How dare you compare the stripping of my rights to a "confrontation of violence?" If you want to confront a legitimate issue concerning violence, take a look at our domestic violence statistics. I'd like to know, Mr. Bush, how is it that you so avidly strive to bring the freedom of choices to Iraq, whilst you slowly strip such freedoms from the women of your own country.
Ashley James
art history and studio art junior