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Jessica Lee

Jessica Lee
Associate Editor
The possibility to educate on a grand scale is what pulled Jessica Lee into the Wildcat, and it is providing commentary to current news events that has gotten her addicted to journalism. She has worked consecutively at the Wildcat since January 2001 and probably will not escape the paper until graduation yanks her from the UA.

Although not a Tucson native, Jessica has fallen in love with the Sonoran Desert as much as she adores her hometown of Flagstaff, Arizona. After glancing through all the possible majors, a degree in environmental science and policy was the only program for her. She attempts to get out of the city whenever possible and is always up for conversation over a glass of beer (no light beers, please). Like many seniors, she has no idea what she will do after college, except that she knows that it will be awesome and probably involve traveling to distant lands and living life to its greatest potential. She truly appreciates all the readers who have taken time to read her columns over the years, even the people who wrote letters to the editor in response to her "big, fat liberal mouth."

America needs us; act now - Tuesday, December 9, 2003

Most everyone has the desire be a "good" person. But what does that mean? What does it take to be good and what qualifies as good?

Currently Philosophy 323, Environmental Ethics, is debating this very issue. After spending the semester engaged in essays that challenge the global human community as to how it ought to live with respect to the natural environment, the instructor pressed the class with a single question: "Should the university force students to take environmental ethics by requiring the course for their graduation?" [Read article]

All UA theft should be embarrassing - Thursday, December 4, 2003

Unfortunately, the words "theft" and "university" seem to go hand-in-hand.

With all the computers, projectors, TVs, lab equipment, books and cool gadgets in general, the UA is a gold mine for the five-finger discount.

While it may seem that the university replaces old and stolen equipment quicker than a member of the men's basketball team can sneak out of the U-Mart with some snacks "on the house," it is apparent that the lack of capital security is costing the UA - and the Arizona taxpayer - a good chunk of pocket change. [Read article]

Landlord problems? Seek ASUA - Tuesday September 23, 2003

For many around Tucson, Black Tuesday, 2003, occurred on August 26.

Nearly one month ago, a colossally intense desert thunderstorm tore through the Tucson basin, dropping more than an inch of rain in the university area. Pouring for nearly an hour, it did not take long to hear the sound of absolute horror.

Blink ... blink ... blink ... blink-blink.

From a 2-foot-long crack in the ceiling, water was dripping rapidly onto my desk and computer. In a moment of pure panic, I literally tore my computer from my wall and threw it onto my desk. It was not until later that night — in the calm of the evening — that I realized that the water had not only leaked from my roof, but enough had actually drained into my house to eat a near-continuous hole down the corner of my room. [Read article]

UA should not accept daily fly-bys - Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Today we look back on a day defined by horror on which three nursing professors were murdered at the UA. But this event, though tragic, was not the first time an incident has spawned campus wide terror.

Every student, faculty and staff member on campus is affected by the Davis-Monthan air traffic, which many times throughout the day makes the UA feels like a war zone. Nearly every day in between classes, students have the opportunity to gawk at the jets that lurk over campus. [Read article]

Intellectual rebirth - a freshman must - Tuesday August 26, 2003

This is day number two of the college experience for nearly six thousand students on the UA campus. For many freshmen, it is the second day of absolute chaos.

From trying to get tuition paid to finding classes, new students are being completely overwhelmed. Many are probably realizing that college is nothing but a collision between what you planned and the reality that you will have to live with. [Read article]

Chávez important, but not for building - Tuesday, September 2, 2003

On April 29, 1993, some 35,000 people walked the three miles from Delano to Forty Acres, Calif., in a massive parade following the casket of a man who deceased Senator Robert F. Kennedy described as "one of the heroic figures of our time."

Now, a decade later, the same number of students will soon pass by the Economics building that was renamed yesterday in honor of César Chávez, the Yuma-born Chicano hero who was a champion for farm workers' rights in the southwest. [Read article]

Save your spare change for UA auction - Thursday September 11, 2003

Do you ever have the urge to drop $5 on five computer printers? Need a refrigerator for your kegarator? If so, there is a place you ought to be.

The University of Arizona Surplus Property Office, located at 1145 S. Warren St., is where all the stuff — not necessarily junk — UA departments do not want ends up. Every other Tuesday they hold an auction where members of the public can bid on these items, ranging from bicycles to laptops to furniture to microwaves. [Read article]

Eller College must push integrity - Tuesday September 16, 2003

You are in a large lecture classroom. The instructor hands out a pop quiz over material you did not have time to study. Sitting next to you is a student who appears (out of the corner of your eye, of course) to be circling the answers quickly, with some sort of uncanny confidence. You stiffen with uncertainty as the instructor says, "You have one minute to finish." In that moment of panic, you slip a peek and copy your neighbor's circled genius. [Read article]

Tired of bland mainstream media? - Friday October 10, 2003

When it comes to radio, there is only one goddess — Amy Goodman.

She is the host of the leading progressive national news program, Democracy Now!. Although the show is broadcasted live weekdays from a firehouse studio near Ground Zero in New York City, her sharp voice and bold questions can be heard daily at 3 p.m. through our local, community-run gem of a radio station, KXCI 91.3 FM.

For many Tucsonans, Democracy Now! is the light that guides us through the muck of corporate news and homogenous programming. As a special treat, Goodman is speaking this Sunday at 8 p.m. at Centennial Hall. If you have never listened to one of her shows before, this is your chance. [Read article]

Time for student sound waves to burst into union - Friday October 17, 2003

The new Student Union Memorial Center has almost everything.

But it fundamentally lacks one thing. It isn't a type of food, cushier couches to sleep on, additional ATMs, prettier pictures on the wall or more shaded tables outside. Rather, its something that is invisible, yet essential.

Anyone who remembers the old student union may know.

Put young minds that have a taste for good music in a studio and see what happens: KAMP Student Radio. And it has been happening since 1988. [Read article]

Mining the truth requires common sense - Tuesday October 21, 2003

There is something peaceful about being 150 feet below the surface of the Earth.

Reality echoes in this perfect silence: mining is absolutely necessary.

Having an anti-mining stance is illogical considering that every aspect of society is rooted in materials reaped from the inorganic landscape. Unless you grow your own food and weave your clothes, your life is dependent on geological products. [Read article]

Sit down and appreciate UA's history - Tuesday November 4, 2003

Homecoming is not all about the football game and riding on floats drunk in the parade. Rather, it is about celebrating the sense of connection each of us has to the University of Arizona. For at least four years, students will claim this patch of urban desert as our home. What is it about this place that will make us want to return each November to reminisce?

Is it the people? The events? The classes and assignments? The buildings? [Read article]

Cactus garden to remain a campus jewel - Friday, November 7, 2003

It has been nearly two years since the brouhaha to save the Joseph Wood Krutch cactus garden erupted on campus. In November 2001, the Alumni Association publicly exposed its proposal to build a multimillion dollar plaza in the center of campus - in which case the cactus garden could have been relocated to the western side of Old Main. Almost instantly, people unified their outcry at the possible move because it would have jeopardized the health of the three priceless boojum trees in the Krutch garden. [Read article]

Presidential primary deserves student attention - Tuesday November 18, 2003

Just under a year from now, Americans will have the chance to take back our country.

On Sunday night, representatives from five of the Democratic presidential campaigns gathered for a forum in Centennial Hall. Members of the Kucinich, Kerry, Dean, Lieberman and Edwards campaigns were present. We have all seen the nine candidates go head to head on televised debates, but this one was unique.

That is because it was completely sponsored and organized by the Associated Students of the University of Arizona and the Arizona Students' Association. Our student leaders spent their time to put together a forum to encourage students to become educated voters. [Read article]

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