Friday, September 3, 2004
Adventures in residence hall living
As my second week of college comes to a close, I have seen and experienced things that I would never have thought about had I not lived in a residence hall.
Experiences ranging from the abnormal to the absurd occur everyday, whether I like it or not.
Every college student should start off his or her collegiate experience with residency in a hall in order to get the full effect of what it really means to be an independent college student.
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The real reasons for Iraqi 'freedom'
By now I hope I am making a banal statement when I say the current war in Iraq isn't about weapons of mass destruction, fighting terrorists or liberating Iraqis from the grip of a horrible dictator.
Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz confirmed this much when he told delegates at an Asian security summit that the WMD issue was a "bureaucratic excuse."
When asked about the Bush administration's relative leniency towards North Korea as compared to the paper tiger that was Hussein's Iraq, he gave a rather blunt response: "Let's look at it simply. The most important difference between North Korea and Iraq is that economically, we just had no choice in Iraq. The country swims on a sea of oil."
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View Points
Question: Do you think political protests serve any purpose in terms of creating change?
"Yes, I do. Well, I think that violent ones don't because they bring down the position they're tying to (help). But civil protests do bring change."
"Yeah, it helps to get the word out on their viewpoint, what they're backing or supporting."
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McGuire column discredits entire greek system
Often when I read the Wildcat I come to find many misguided and misinformed opinions on the greek system. However, I rarely see something like Dan McGuire's Thursday column come from an actual greek organization member.
His shameless ploy to discredit other fraternities in the school newspaper during rush is in poor taste and diminishes his credibility and that of both the Wildcat and his fraternity among the greek system. But more importantly, it negatively portrays the greek system to the student body at large during a time when most fraternities are actively recruiting.
[Read article]
