Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Confession: I am a makeup junkie, which is stupid because I wear the stuff maybe once a month. Maybe. But each year, that doesn't stop me from buying enough to fuel the Miss America pageant several times over, or at least fill up a huge drawer in the bathroom.
I'm seduced by the beautiful packages, sleek and jet black, each containing the tiniest bit of pulverized rock. Sometimes, I look over my Sephora receipt while guiltily sliding away the "Doctors Without Borders" solicitation letter, but I don't stop buying makeup. It doesn't help that there's a Clinique counter in the bookstore, or that my neighbor has the entire Avon collection in the back seat of her Explorer. How she keeps it all from melting here in Arizona is beyond me.
[Read article]
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Latest Issue: February 22, 2005
Hookah offers safe and relaxing alternatives
College students are always looking for the newest, hippest and easiest trends to keep their bored little minds occupied. While smoking weed will always be fashionable, it's illegal too. As an alternative, locals, young and old, are getting together to smoke the legal way, with the help of the hookah.
The pastime has become even more popular in Tucson since Roger Smiley and his wife Sarah opened Smiley's Ultimate Hookah Lounge and Coffee last year. [Read article]
Latest Issue: February 17, 2005
