FILE PHOTO/Arizona Daily Wildcat
Students at last year's "Happy Hour" held at Skyview Apartments walk past a totaled car from an alcohol related crash. The annual event preceding spring break hosted by UAPD, Skyview Apartments and Dean of Students Office promotes safety awareness and informs students on the dangers of drunk driving.
By Cassie Blombaum
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday, March 2, 2005
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Students leaving for vacation this spring break can attend the fourth annual "Happy Hour" in order to receive tips on how to stay safe and prevent drunk driving.
The University of Arizona Police Department, Skyview Apartments and the Dean of Students Office have combined efforts to host an event to promote drunk driving awareness and safety during the upcoming break.
"Happy Hour Spring Break 2005" will be held today from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the UA Mall, and will give students the chance to address concerns about drunk driving and solutions to the problem, while still having fun, said Anthony Skevakis, program coordinator for the Dean of Students Office.
"(It's) an interactive program that promotes awareness of issues that can affect students during spring break," Skevakis said.
Skevakis said the program offers information about important topics, such as travel safety and methods of protection.
"It addresses issues regarding traveling to Mexico, alcohol, drugs, skin care, health topics and safe sex," Skevakis said. "The program features a variety of round table displays that discuss different aspects of alcohol and its effects."
The event will feature activities regarding drinking and driving as well, said Cam Scott, a hall director at Skyview Apartments.
"There are speakers that will be at different tables sharing about their drunk driving experiences," said Scott, a higher education doctoral student. "So it's also kind of a partnership with the Tucson community as well."
Scott said there will be an event simulating the senses and vision of drunken drivers.
"There's going to be a 'beer goggles' virtual experience where you will get to drive a golf cart with drunken goggles," Scott said.
According to Skevakis, Happy Hour will also have a DUI simulator and crash test dummies.
"We will have a DUI simulator where students can sit and attempt to drive a car with simulated drunken reflexes," Skevakis said. "We will (also) have a seat belt crash simulator where students can witness what happens to your body when you're wearing a seat belt in an accident versus not wearing one.
Happy Hour will also give away prizes and will feature sobriety tests, Skevakis said.
"We will have T-shirt and other giveaways (and the) UAPD and other police will demonstrate and facilitate sobriety tests," Skevakis said.
Because of the generous sponsorship from Alltel, the Residence Hall Association and the Scotia group, the event will be free for all UA students, Skevakis said.
Skevakis said the event, which was held previously at Skyview Apartments, has won awards for its successes in the past.
"It won the 2004 IACURH (Intermountain Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls) Program of the Year Award and the RHA (Residence Hall Association) Program of the Year Award," Skevakis said.
Overall, Scott hopes the Happy Hour's decision to move from Skyview Apartments to the Mall was a good one.
"It's been very very impactful in the past, so its being brought to the Mall to hopefully impact more students, " Scott said.