Thursday, March 3, 2005
Next Week's ASUA winners face bar set high
If you care about student representation at the UA, then this week and the next are the most important of the year. Primary elections finished yesterday, and now the field for executive positions is narrowed down to two each.
But it feels the same now as it does any year during Associated Students of the University of Arizona elections. Popular faces are running on seemingly empty platforms. Many of the candidates seem to be obsessed with themselves and don't seem to care a lick about students. The candidates pledge to increase student awareness in ASUA, which seems like a self-proselytizing campaign promise. It's like saying "vote for me because I will make you more aware of me." Passion for the job does not mean inspiring passion in yourself, but inspiring passion and confidence in your ability to lead on issues that the student body cares about.
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View Points
Question: Do you think the proposed Cats Ride, a program similar to SafeRide that would pick up drunk drivers, is a good use of student funds?
"It's a bad idea because if we're raising tuition, we shouldn't be spending it on that. Getting home is that person's responsibility."
Grace DeLeon undeclared freshman
"Well, if you're drunk it's good because you shouldn't be driving in the first place."
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Bernsen immaturely accused Reuben
In regard to the ridiculous claims made by Cade Bernsen's campaign staff desperately trying to slow down the momentum of Jacob Reuben's ASUA campaign, I have to say that as a student I am both outraged and discouraged. That these allegations would be brought up to the people in charge of researching these claims is nothing out of the ordinary and is perfectly acceptable, however, when these led to nothing the action of taking these blatant lies to the media outlet is shameful, childish and shows that the true colors of some candidates are not red and blue. I think ASUA is a great way for our students to get their voice out on campus, if all their voice can sound is fictitious slander and belligerent hatred of a very qualified candidate who has more experience than anyone on the ballot, then they should be silenced by the very officials that found nothing wrong with their complaints in the first place. I would hope that if a transfer student with no platform is running for president he could use his seven years of college to offer at least a more mature candidate.
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