Tuesday, March 8, 2005
ASUA candidate endorsements
While some candidates shine above the rest- senatorial candidate Ashley Eden and executive vice presidential candidate Erin Hertzog come to mind first for their efforts in getting Cats RIDDE a serious look from the administration - while others, like most every other senatorial candidate, stand out for reasons not as well-received. The Wildcat opinions board has sifted through the lot to bring the you best - and the rest - of this year's ballot.
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Candidates sport different styles, same dedication
Say what you will about the UA's student government, but you most certainly couldn't call this year's presidential election boring.
It's the classic case of polar opposites, with the implausibly polished Jacob Reuben squaring off against the colorful Cade Bernsen, and it seems as though the candidates' leadership styles couldn't be further apart.
Both Reuben and Bernsen sat down with the Wildcat opinions board Sunday night to discuss their platforms as well as their own philosophy about the position of student body president. The following is this columnist's impression of their leadership styles as well as their potential for success.
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Bernsen will bring energy of Chapman
I have had the pleasure of knowing both Jacob Reuben and Cade Bernsen through classes before. Unfortunately, in that time, Mr. Reuben has not come off to me as ASUA president material. Mr. Bernsen runs a platform of hard work, and by all accounts, that is what he brings to the table. Cade speaks eloquently, commands respect and possesses the gravitas that Mr. Reuben, frankly, does not have. Cade will have the ear of the administration because he simply demands to be listened to. Does Mr. Reuben have that intangible presence that only effective leaders have? I have my doubts. Alistair Chapman has been an incredibly effective president this year, and I believe Cade will bring just as much commitment and energy to ASUA as Alistair. I fear Mr. Reuben is not looking for anything more from this position than a nice tagline on his resume. I fear that Mr. Reuben isn’t really interested in the student body and pushing the issues that matter most to us.
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