Thursday, March 24, 2005
The Terri Schiavo case has reached blistering levels of publicity in the past
week. In an attempt to distract the national media from Tom Delay's legal
trouble and George Bush's failing domestic agenda, among other things,
Republican leaders have participated in egregious political grandstanding. They
have also set a dangerous precedent in which the executive and legislative
branches can steer clear of checks and balances and make laws attacking an
individual member of society, all disguised behind rhetoric pertaining to the
value of life. [Read
Viewpoints |
Mailbag |
Latest Issue: March 24, 2005
Photography may be the most accurate visual representation of reality, while
sculpture can offer the most abstract and symbolic representation of reality.
But the Museum of Contemporary Art's new exhibit uniquely combines the two with
the exhibits "Dave Lewis: State Furniture" and "Dan Budnik: David Smith at
As a part of their Origins series that examines the roots of post-modern art,
this exhibition presents Budnik's poignantly real photography of the great 20th
century sculptor David Smith as a compliment to Lewis' socially critical
sculpture exhibit that examines power. [Read
Tucson and Campus Calendar
Campus |
Spring break in Couchville
Able intern coordinates senior exhibit
CCP showcases '70s
Art of Japanese manholes leaves lasting impressions
Film |
'Ring 2' runs in circles
'Chorus' sings, feels good
Music |
CD Review: 50 Cent
Literature |
Prose's latest satire shows teeth, wit
Latest Issue: February 22, 2005
Hookah offers safe and relaxing alternatives
College students are always looking for the newest, hippest and easiest trends
to keep their bored little minds occupied. While smoking weed will always be
fashionable, it's illegal too. As an alternative, locals, young and old, are
getting together to smoke the legal way, with the help of the hookah.
The pastime has become even more popular in Tucson since Roger Smiley and his
wife Sarah opened Smiley's Ultimate Hookah Lounge and Coffee last year. [Read
