Thursday, March 24, 2005
Government reprehensible in Schiavo dealings
The Terri Schiavo case has reached blistering levels of publicity in the past week. In an attempt to distract the national media from Tom Delay's legal trouble and George Bush's failing domestic agenda, among other things, Republican leaders have participated in egregious political grandstanding. They have also set a dangerous precedent in which the executive and legislative branches can steer clear of checks and balances and make laws attacking an individual member of society, all disguised behind rhetoric pertaining to the value of life.
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Cats RIDDE, SafeRide provide wrong incentives
There has been much talk recently about a program called Cats RIDDE which would provide a "free" ride home for students who are too drunk to walk or drive home safely. It is common sense that such a program is not free as someone has to pay for the service to run -either in Arizonans' taxes or students' tuition.
It is a shame that in our society, safety has shifted away from the responsibility of the person to the responsibility of the government. I should not have to pay money to keep students safe who choose to make stupid decisions. What ever happened to calling a cab? Freedom does not come without responsibility, but the UA Cats RIDDE program would give students freedom with irresponsibility. If you make a bad choice, you suffer the consequences. But I guess if you don't have to make your own decisions, you cannot be responsible for your own mistakes.
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