Wednesday, March 30, 2005
The newspaper likes to slap a goofy, smiling mug shot next to my column each week.
But if there was no picture next to this column, and I had an androgynous name - which, I know, is a stretch - would you or my editor at the opinions desk perceive my ideas differently? If I were a man, would that affect the way I wrote this column, and would that in turn affect the way you read this column?
Diversity in journalism is a fascinating topic for me as a woman, as a minority and as a writer. Despite my interest, however, the latest debate on the scarcity of female opinion writers feels like one of those tricked-out SUVs with the spinning rims that you see occasionally at red lights: a lot of flash and commotion, but not moving forward.
[Read article]
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Latest Issue: March 24, 2005
Photography may be the most accurate visual representation of reality, while
sculpture can offer the most abstract and symbolic representation of reality.
But the Museum of Contemporary Art's new exhibit uniquely combines the two with
the exhibits "Dave Lewis: State Furniture" and "Dan Budnik: David Smith at
As a part of their Origins series that examines the roots of post-modern art,
this exhibition presents Budnik's poignantly real photography of the great 20th
century sculptor David Smith as a compliment to Lewis' socially critical
sculpture exhibit that examines power. [Read
Tucson and Campus Calendar
Campus |
Spring break in Couchville
Able intern coordinates senior exhibit
CCP showcases '70s
Art of Japanese manholes leaves lasting impressions
Film |
'Ring 2' runs in circles
'Chorus' sings, feels good
Music |
CD Review: 50 Cent
Literature |
Prose's latest satire shows teeth, wit
Latest Issue: March 30, 2005
Land surfing: Longboarders invade the UA
There's nothing new about skateboarding, but the elite few who ride them around Tucson are getting some competition from a new breed of riders.
Longboards, a kind of hybrid cross between a surfboard and a skateboard, have been making a comeback since the 1990s and are slowly, but surely becoming ever more visible on the UA campus.
Though most skateboarders tend to be linked into the high school age group, some veteran skateboarders now attend the UA and even partake of the longboard phenomenon.
[Read article]
Relocated skate shop helps UA students move along"
