Thursday, September 9, 2004
The UA's short-term solution: bigger classes
Last spring Jamie Witt, a pre-nursing junior, logged on to WebReg on her assigned registration day. She went down the list of prerequisites for her degree. She didn't get into a single one, and got into only two classes total.
And one of them was choir.
Witt came to the UA with high hopes of being a nurse in Arizona, but two years later, she'll be lucky to graduate in five years and wonders if the UA was the right decision.
[Read article]
Editorial: Stealing graduation
Students robbed of the ceremony they've earned
This summer, while most UA students were off campus, the Commencement Policy Committee conveniently decided that it would be a good time to make a drastic change to this December's upcoming commencement ceremony.
Without consulting the student body at large, the committee decided that the university-wide graduation ceremony will be exclusively for graduate and Ph.D students, leaving undergraduates and their families to attend only their individual college convocations.
[Read article]
Students wronged by cancellation
I was totally shocked when I read the Tuesday front-page story of the Wildcat reporting that the December university-wide graduation had been cancelled.
As an undergraduate student graduating this December, I feel that the university is telling me that I don't matter, the four years that I've spent at the UA don't really count and the university doesn't feel like I deserve to be recognized along with the rest of the graduates. I also can't believe that I'm just hearing about this now. Why wasn't I informed that there was even a possibility of the ceremony being cancelled?
[Read article]
