Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
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Question: Is the UA easy?
Adrian Garcia Sega chemistry senior
"It's not easy, but it's not very difficult either. It also depends how you set up your schedule. It's as difficult as you want to make it."
Sarah Dehaybi physiology and Near Eastern studies sophomore
"No, but it's because of my classes, though. I think science classes are hard and the others aren't."
Adeel Yang molecular and cellular biology freshman
"Yes. Professors give out top grades even for minimal effort."
Candice Waters family studies and human development junior
"No. It's easy to get in, but once you do it's hard to maintain a high GPA. There's a lot going on around here that makes it difficult."
Tiffany Said pre-education sophomore
"It's not particularly hard, but maybe that's because I'm taking gen eds."
Matthew Beller aerospace engineering sophomore
"Communications and regional development are jokes. We have joke majors and we have real majors, but 90 percent of people take the joke ones."