Thursday, April 28, 2005
The foolish presidents
Here in America, it feels like President Bush and his Cabinet cronies get all of their news from Fox. Down in Mexico, it's the other way around: President Fox is watching Bush. Following the lead of the Republican Party's continual overreaching in the last six months, Vicente Fox is doing some overreaching of his own in Mexico City.
President Fox is behind the recent prosecution of Mexico City mayor and 2006 presidential favorite Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Obrador is accused of contempt of court for commissioning a road to be built against a judge's orders; it's a minor crime that is being prosecuted while the murders and disappearances of thousands of Mexicans by previous leaders go unpunished. As a result, Mexico City has found itself in the midst of a political uproar which is causing Obrador's political popularity to skyrocket.
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Guest Commentary: Times did not profile the UA I know
Sunday's New York Times article about life at The University of Arizona certainly came as a big surprise to me. The Arizona Daily Wildcat said the Times got it right, but I disagree.
In the article, the UA was painted as indifferent to the treatment of its student body. Students are portrayed as lost souls who are shuffled anonymously through classrooms of 500 students and endure an entire degree program without ever getting to know a professor.
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Mail bag
Alcohol directly connected to rape
First, I would applaud the Wildcat's efforts in bringing sexual assault awareness information to our student population. In conversations with reporter Jennifer Amsler I wouldn't be able to count the times that we spoke on the topic of the relation of alcohol consumption to sexual assaults on college campuses across the nation, not just the UA. What disturbs me is that we still have students not making the connection as to why UAPD pays so much attention to illegal alcohol use by our student population such as the quote by freshman Shawnee Snyder stating that we should focus our attentions "towards solving rape cases and less on underage drinkers violations."
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