Monday, May 2, 2005
Setting the standard for future student leaders
The UA welcomes thousands of diverse and extraordinary students each year. An exceptional number of these students leave their mark upon this great campus as student leaders of clubs, organizations, fraternities, sororities, residence halls, college student governments, and the other countless associations created and led by students at the UA. Although it seems difficult to point out only one of these leaders within a campus that is inching closer to its maximum capacity of 40,000 students, one does not have to look far in order to single out Alistair Chapman as the most active advocate of student needs and concerns that has emerged from our student body this year. Alistair Chapman has been the champion of the student voice, serving us as our student body president for the past 12 months. And at noon today, his term will come to an end.
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Editorial: Thumbs up, thumbs down
PTS went overboard with arrest of tailgater
People who love to hate Parking and Transportation Services, you've got your martyr. Meet Benjamin Cooperman, the student the University of Arizona Police Department arrested last week after he tailgated other cars out of the Sixth Street Parking Garage.
Although tailgating, in which students follow a car out the parking garage to avoid paying $6, is a common occurrence, PTS is pressing charges against Cooperman, presumably to set a public example that they're cracking down on the practice.
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Female orgasm not that difficult
I would like to respond to several of the ideas in the article on female orgasm:
1) The female orgasm is not that elusive. The orgasm, for men and women, is about a buildup of blood in the genital area because of stimulation. Trying to characterize male orgasm and female orgasm as somehow totally different is absurd. Some men need emotional intimacy to get turned on and some women don't. It's got nothing to do with being male or female.
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