Wednesday, May 4, 2005
Nuclear (non) proliferation
There are more than 180 nations that signed on to the Global Nuclear Non-Proliferation treaty, and only nine of them are nuclear weapons states (India, Pakistan and Israel are nuclear states that aren't signed on to the treaty). The treaty demands that the non-nuclear countries not acquire any weapons, on the condition that weapon holding countries like the United States begin programs of disarmament. Every five years, the member countries meet at the United Nations to review the progress of the treaty. This year, it seems that things are going in the wrong direction.
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"Just remember that the UA community and UAPD will still be there for you after you graduate."
"I love the UA. All the people I've met here are so nice."
"I want to get out of school. I'm sick of it and I want to get away from ditzy sorority girls."
"I'm out of this ghetto-ass damn town. Tucson sucks. I'm gone."
"So in the whole four years that I've been here, I don't think I've seen one day without construction."
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GPSC president works without fanfare
Although 2004-2005 ASUA President Alistair Chapman may have done a good job representing undergrads, Graduate and Professional Student Council President Amanda Brobbel worked at least as hard for graduate and professional students.
Brobbel's achievements began in the fall, when diligent lobbying persuaded the UA to purchase the La Aldea graduate student housing complex, after residents of the complex presented their complaints regarding the present management to the GPSC. Brobbel worked to increase UA funding for graduate student travel and graduate student-run conferences by $50,000. Brobbel secured another $50,000 funding stream for needy international students with dependents, and secured a $20,000 funding stream to support the creation of an on campus parents' resource center. Brobbel pushed hard to make sure that Teaching and Research Assistants' tuition remission increased to 70 percent, after being told in the fall that financial realities would not allow progress on that front this year.
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