Wednesday, September 15, 2003
Issue of the Week: Underpants mascot invades campus
This week, the ad people at Victoria's Secret thought it would be a great idea to drop one thousand pink and white polka-dotted dogs on campus in order to introduce their new line, appropriately entitled "Pink." We've asked our columnists what they think about this display of shameless marketing and stuffed animals.
Scavenger hunts for men
The last time I found something worth picking up was yesterday when I stumbled across a half-full, cherry flavored tube of Chapstick by the Student Union Memorial Center. That was a lucky day.
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A Wider Lens: Out of touch, and running out of steam
John Edwards likes to make people feel important and good about themselves, and showing up here in Tucson on Monday to show that he and his running mate think Tucson is important was a genuinely nice gesture.
Why? Because for the short while that Edwards spent at the Tucson Convention Center, he gained nothing more than making those assembled Democrats feel good about themselves in the face of reality. It was just another example of bad strategy in a long, poorly-run campaign.
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Media accountable to its shareholders
This letter is in reference to Aaron Okin's Sept. 1 column defending corporate media. Frequently, I am frustrated at the fact that the only columnist for this paper that will consistently cover political issues does so in such a shockingly partisan way. The problem with strong partisanship is not the bias expected in an opinion section but the positions that one is forced to uphold when attacking every viewpoint not so quite so "right-of-center" as Fox news.
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