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Police Beat

By Jesse Lewis
Arizona Daily Wildcat
September 15, 2005
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A $1,628 laptop and laser printer were stolen from a room on the first floor of the Administration building, 1401 E. University Blvd., sometime over the weekend, reports stated.

An employee said someone entered the room and stole the items that were last seen Friday around 5 p.m. and were missing at 4 p.m. Monday, reports stated.

The room the items were in is open during business hours and secured at the end of the day, reports stated.

Police found no evidence of forced entry to the east or south entry doors to the building, reports stated.

The only keys that open the doors have all been accounted for, reports stated.

No evidence was found at the scene and police have no suspects or witnesses.

An officer observed and broke up an fight between two people in the middle of the road at North Mountain Avenue and East Second Street just after noon Tuesday, reports


A man was riding his bike in the middle of the intersection and collided with a female pedestrian, reports stated.

The officer heard and saw the woman apologize numerous times for the collision while the man stood in the middle of the intersection screaming profanities at her, reports stated.

The woman quickly walked away and another woman rode her bike up to the man and confronted him about his behavior, reports stated.

Police heard the woman say, "You are really being an asshole. She apologized several times," reports stated.

The man then punched the woman in the back with a closed fist and the two continued to argue, reports stated.

The officer was able to drive up to the two and told them both to stop arguing, reports stated.

The man looked at the officer and said, "What's your problem?" reports stated.

Police asked the woman to step out of traffic and sit on the curb and she complied, reports stated.

The man was still yelling profanities and acting aggressive toward the woman and police asked the man numerous times to step out of the intersection but he refused and said, "I hear you, but I'm not going to do it," reports stated.

The officer told the man he was going to be detained for the assault toward the woman and the man attempted to pull away from the officer, reports stated.

Police told the man to stop resisting and handcuffed him and the man sat on the curb, reports stated.

The woman said she was not injured by the man's punch and said she wanted nothing to do with the case and did not wish to press charges, reports stated.

The woman requested to leave for class and the officer let her go, reports stated.

The officer then explained to the man why what he had done was wrong and that the woman didn't wish to press charges. The man was released at the scene, reports stated.

Police were unable to find the woman the man originally collided with, reports stated.

Someone vandalized the men's restroom on the third floor of the UA Main Library, 1510 E. University Blvd., sometime before 9:10 p.m. Tuesday, reports stated.

Someone had written anti-Islamic messages and profanity in black marker on the rear side of the stall door, reports stated.

A drawing of a swastika and the anarchy symbol were also drawn to the lower left of the writing, reports stated.

Library staff believed it was the work of a recurring vandal but could not provide a description of the suspect, reports stated.

Custodial was notified to clean the graffiti and police have no other suspects or witnesses, reports stated.

An employee provided a four-page report of other vandalism thought to be done by the same person, reports stated.

The motor of an air-conditioning unit burned up in Graham Greenlee Residence Hall, 610 N. Highland Ave., and several residents thought there was a gas leak in the hall at 8:41 p.m. Tuesday, reports stated.

Police responded and smelled something similar to an electrical fire in the main lobby of the hall, reports stated.

The resident assistant on duty led police to the second floor lounge, where the smell was the strongest, reports stated.

Tucson Fire Department responded and located the source of the smell and said it was the motor for the air conditioning and it needed the power to be cut off, reports stated.

Fire Safety responded to work on the AC unit and TFD fanned the area to clear the smoke, reports stated.

Police Beat is compiled from official University of Arizona Police Department reports. For a complete list of UAPD activity, the daily resume can be found at Police Beat is compiled from official University of Arizona Police Department Records. For a complete list of UAPD activity, the daily resumé can be found at

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