Claire C. Laurence/Arizona Daily Wildcat
Fans will lust for more after they hear the crooning of singer-songwriter Brandi Carlile Saturday night at Plush at 9:30.
Arizona Daily Wildcat
September 15, 2005
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Duncan Sheik - City Limits. 6350 E. Tanque Verde Road. A few years ago, he had everybody Barely Breathing. But now it seems like they're barely listening. See if this guy can recapture his 1990s glory when he performs in concert. David Poe opens. 8 p.m. $15
Hannah Blue Heron - Antigone Books. 411 N. Fourth Ave. This lady makes all of our lives seem boring and pathetic by comparison. In addition to being a writer, musician and community builder, she's also tried on the shoes of a heterosexual flower child, a lesbian feminist and even a nun. But the real test will come today when she attempts to read her memoirs in front of the Fourth Avenue hippies. 7 p.m. Free
Not Burnt Out Just Unscrewed - Vaudeville Cabaret. 110 E. Congress St. Is this some kind of sexual pun? To find out go and see this improvisational comedy group. 8 p.m. $3. (21+)
Sugarland - Centennial Hall. 1020 E. University Blvd. Even though this band is comprised of three seasoned country music veterans, it seems like they don't even understand the concept of their own genre. Country music is supposed to be about our country! Not someplace rejected from Candyland or Mary Poppins. 8 p.m. $25, or $12 with student ID
Santa Cruz County Fair - Sonoita Fairgrounds. Forty miles southeast of Tucson on Interstate 19. Don't miss the first day of this old-fashioned carnival featuring barrel racing, roping, 4-H exhibits, auctions, entertainment and food. Sounds like something out of "Wild Wild West," except without Will Smith and that 80-foot-tall robotic spider. Runs all weekend. 8 a.m. $3. Kids under 12 are free
Brandi Carlile - Plush. 340 E. Sixth St. She has the distinction of being named one of the top 10 artists to watch by Rolling Stone. With a little bit of pop and a little bit of blues, she's sure to captivate. With Leila Lopez and The Visible Man. 9:30 p.m. $7. (21+)
Wild Oats' 18th Birthday - Wild Oats Marketplace. 7133 N. Oracle Road. Awww! Our little healthy supermarket has finally grown up. Not only can she buy cigarettes and porn now, but she can also give you free cake and a build-your-own-burger party. Proceeds will go to the proposed elephant enclosure at Reid Park. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. $5 to $10 for a burger (vegetarian available) and salad
Piano Recital - Barnes and Noble, Foothills Mall. 7325 N. La Cholla Blvd. Staff and students from the Prime School of Music will tinker around a little bit for you on their pianos. Whatever you do though, don't ask them to play that "Clocks" song again. It's just getting so annoying. 4 p.m. Free
The Decemberists - The Rialto Theatre. 318 E. Congress St. Not only does this band fashion fun and poppy melodies; it uses its music to tell brilliantly crafted stories filled with love, adventure and even suicide. With Sons and Daughters. 8:30 p.m. $12 in advance. $14 day of show
Nine Inch Nails - Tucson Arena. 260 S. Church Ave. Isn't it just a tad bit ironic that the atheist Trent Reznor is playing on none other than Church Avenue? 7:30 p.m. $35 to $45
The Kills - Plush. 340 E. Sixth St. No, not the Killers, but a hell of a lot sexier. This U.K. indie duet has more sexual energy than Michael Jackson in Disneyland. With the Deludes and She Wants Revenge. 8:45 p.m. $10 (21+)
Cat Show - Rodeway Inn Event Center. 1365 W. Grant Road. If you live in a dorm or apartment that doesn't allow furry friends, get your fill by visiting this feline extravaganza. God knows it's better than going home and dealing with your mom. 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. $5
The Bravery - The Rialto Theatre. 318 E. Congress St. Be brave because if you sit through their cliché U2 covers, you might actually get to hear them play that "Honest Mistake" song. 8 p.m. $15 in advance. $18 at the door
"No Direction Home: Bob Dylan" - The Loft Cinema. 3233 E. Speedway Blvd. This biography directed by Martin Scorsese includes some of the first interviews the scraggly poet has given in 20 years. 5 p.m. $10 suggested donation
Vince Vaughn's Wild West Comedy Show - Centennial Hall. 1020 E. University Blvd. Considering Vaughn's huge comedic popularity, you'd probably have a better chance of crashing the Prime Minister's wedding than getting into here for free. 8 p.m. $32. $27 student discount
Living With Urban Wildlife - Tohono Chul Park, Education Building. 7366 N. Paseo Del Norte. The Arizona Game and Fish Department is holding this informational session on how humans can coexist peacefully with wildlife in urban areas. 10 a.m. Free
Virtual Machines and the Mind/Body Problem - Santa Cruz Room, Student Union Memorial Center. 1303 E. University Blvd. Philosophy and Cognitive Science professor John Pollock will draw conclusions about levels of consciousness in humans and computer programs, sponsored by the UA Center for Consciousness Studies. 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Free
- Compiled by Andi Berlin.