Monday, September 19, 2005
How new U.S. nuclear policy will ignite WWIII
President George Bush is either a liar, an idiot or a manipulative genius, whichever you prefer. In any case, because of his presidency, there is a high probability that Iran and/or North Korea will be struck with tactical nuclear weapons sometime in the near future.
A document drafted in March by the Pentagon outlined several scenarios, under which the president would be entitled to launch pre-emptive nuclear strikes, marking a significant turn in U.S. nuclear policy. The document, titled “Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations,” awaits only Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld’s signature to become official policy, which it’s expected to receive in the coming weeks.
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'Finish in Four' ... or more
Ah, freshman year. Many of us look upon it nostalgically, reminiscing about the good times we had getting drunk, getting laid and getting smarter.
For some, freshman year was a bit of a reality check, complete with harder classes, no homework to cushion the horrible test grades and independence regarding what courses to take.
However, the UA administrators try to ease the intensity of freshman year by providing many resources to ease the transition between high school and college. Orientations over the summer help familiarize incoming freshman with the new collegiate environment. Here freshman are introduced to academic advisers who will help them successfully achieve their academic goals, and students receive a four-year planning calendar with the catchy “Finish in Four!” phrase printed on almost every page.
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Student-parents need all available help
In response to Mr. Bernsen’s comments in Sept. 17's paper (“Bernsen calls on alumni for child care”) about BabyCats being just an inspiration, I have to say nonsense! Last semester attending school full-time would have been unimaginable for me if it had not been for BabyCats. The babysitters were wonderful; I was able to bring my baby to campus while I attended classes, which as a new parent took away a lot of stress. I knew if something was wrong I was within walking distance of my then-3-month-old.
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