Wednesday, October 5, 2005
Pop it like it's hot
Lately, many students on campus have been acting in an inexplicable and unjustifiable manner. Defying all conventional laws of judgment and physics, they have managed to alter their clothing in an obnoxious way.
I am referring, of course, to the trend of popping the collar - flipping the collar of the polo shirt in a daring and gravity-defying move of bravado. Like a male bull pawing and snorting, this action effectively lets everyone know who the boss is and who is in control.
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Leal should give city refund
City Councilman Steve Leal is ripping off the people of Tucson.
The soon-to-be fifth term Democrat who represents much of the South Side is seeking re-election this year and is taking advantage of a provision in Tucson's charter designed to keep elections as fair as possible.
A 20-year-old part of Tucson law, the provision allows candidates for city offices to sign a contract with the city, agreeing to only raise funds up to a certain point.
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Editorial: Don't let 'the Hammer' off the hook
House Republicans should hold DeLay to common standard
"No man is above the law, and no man is below the law."
- Tom DeLay in 1998 discussing Bill Clinton's impeachment
The Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives have another chance to follow Tom DeLay's wise words.
DeLay was re-indicted Monday in Texas on first-degree felony charges of money laundering and conspiracy. He faces a maximum sentence of life in prison for his alleged role in funneling corporate donations to candidates favored by TRMPAC, the political action committee he helped found.
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Legalization of marijuana wouldn't drive prices up
I'm only going to concern myself with one aspect of David Shultz's poorly reasoned column ("Blame drug suppliers, not users"), and that concerns his assertion that the price of Cannabis would "skyrocket" if legalized. This is completely absurd. It is quite obvious that David has done no research concerning the ease in which the plant is grown.
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