Photo Courtesy of Lord of the Dance
Michael Flatley's 'Lord of the Dance,' famed Celtic dancing troupe and expert fashionistas, are performing at Centennial Hall tonight at 8.
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Thursday, October 6, 2005
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Meet Liz Kennedy and Colleagues - Six UA professors of women's studies will discuss their book "Women's Studies for the Future: Foundations, Interrogations, Politics." Antigone Books. 411 N. Fourth Ave. 7 p.m. Free
Art Songs and Arias - UA Museum of Art. A soprano in the School of Music, Maureen Popovich, will perform a medley of "art songs" from the 15th century to modern times. And by art songs, we don't mean Art Garfunkle. Part of the Artbuzz series at the UA Museum of Art. 1031 N. Olive Road. 12:30 p.m. - 1 p.m. Free
Tribute to the Smiths - The original emo band may have broken up a long time ago, but don't get depressed! You can still hear their songs performed live by a bunch of local Tucson artists. Plush. 340 E. Sixth St. 8:30 p.m. $5. (21+)
Michael Flatley's "Lord of the Dance" - Michael Flatley moves his legs as though independent of his body. This world- renowned group can't be missed. Centennial Hall. 1020 E. University Blvd. 8 p.m. $33 to $48
Mat Bevel - This local artist and puppeteer will perform his multifaceted show "Think Tank," involving puppets and a live three-piece orchestra. You really have to see it to understand it. The Mat Bevel Institute. 530 N. Stone Ave. 8 p.m. Performances run through Sunday. $10
Celtic Woman - This quintet made up of Celtic women has proclaimed that they are "trying to be for voice what 'Riverdance' was for feet." It will be an easy comparison if you see Michael Flatley today. Centennial Hall. 1020 E. University Blvd. 8 p.m. $45 to $55
Reggaeton - This Cuban rap music with Spanish lyrics has stormed the world, and now it's heading to the sun ... or Sol that is. Reggaeton's upcoming stars Ivy Queen, Cuban Link, Wisin y Yandel and Magenate Valentino will join together on one stage. Casino Del Sol's AVA. 5655 W. Valencia Road. 8 p.m. $20 to $50
The Original Blues Brothers Band - Not to be confused with Blue Man Group, this performance should be just as epic as the original film "The Blues Brothers" that starred John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd. Centennial Hall. 1020 E. University Blvd. 8 p.m. $20 to $62
Tucson Poetry Festival XXIII: Poetry and Painting - Perhaps this is the perfect opportunity to bust out those third-grade haikus that your parents cherished so much. Or you could just listen to the pros. Either way it is sure to be a culturally enriching experience. The Historic Y. 738 N. Fifth Ave. 7 p.m. $15 for the weekend, $7 per reading
Fall Club Crawl - Beer. More than 15 venues of both local and national bands. Rowdy people in the streets of downtown. Sounds like a party! East Congress Street between East Sixth Street and Broadway Boulevard. 7 p.m. $8 in advance, $10 at the door. (21+)
We Jam Econo - This documentary is about the only cool group of Minutemen in history: the '80s punk rock band that broke up in 1985 after the death of their lead singer D. Boon. Not the soldiers in the Revolutionary War or the border patrollers. The Loft Cinema. 3233 E. Speedway Blvd. 5 p.m. $5
Steward Observatory Public Evening Series - Patrick Young will discuss astronomy in his two books "Planets, People, and Other Products of Los Alamos National Laboratory" and "Stellar Ovolution: The Birth of the Elements." Steward Observatory. 933 N. Cherry Ave. 7:30 p.m. Free
Santana - This guitar legend can pluck fans from all over the world just as well as he can with the strings of a guitar. Casino Del Sol's AVA. 5655 W. Valencia Road. 6:30 p.m. $45.50 to $75.50. Sold Out
The Phonograph - Fine Arts Assistant Dean Brian Ebie discusses Thomas Edison's early record player and its impact on life in the late 19th and 20th centuries. This is part of the UA Faculty Fellows Speaker Series. Gallagher Theater. 1303 E. University Blvd. Noon. Free
All Soul's Procession - Fire dancers Flam Chen will be practicing their hot act while other performers like the Tucson Puppet Works will put on a ventrilotastic show to benefit the Day of the Dead Parade. Barrio Grill. 135 S. Sixth Ave. 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. No cover charge
-Compiled by Andi Berlin.