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Police Beat

By Jesse Lewis
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
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Someone put anti-President Bush stickers and fliers in abundance in various areas of the Social Sciences building, 1145 E. South Campus Drive, sometime Wednesday night, reports stated.

An employee in the building said when she arrived at work at 9 a.m. Thursday there were anti-Bush stickers on several hallway clocks. She said when she left the building Wednesday at 5 p.m. the stickers were not there, reports stated.

A custodial employee in the building also said she found stickers on hall clocks, classroom clocks, on stall doors in restrooms and in elevators near interior buttons, reports stated.

The stickers were fluorescent green with black lettering advertising a message about driving out the Bush regime. They also advertise a walkout on Nov. 2 with a gathering at the Alumni Plaza, reports stated.

She also said she found fliers matching the stickers duct-taped to every seat in Auditorium 100 in the building, reports stated.

The fliers looked the same as the stickers and advertised the "Refuse and Resist" organization, reports stated.

The custodial employee said there are about 700 seats in the auditorium, and it took her two hours to clean up all the fliers, reports stated.

Police also found the propaganda on vending machines and emergency light boxes in stairwells and hallways, reports stated.

The employees wanted the incident documented, reports stated.

Three people got into an argument Thursday evening in front of Centennial Hall, 1020 E. University Blvd., because they were all trying to sell extra tickets to the show, reports stated.

Centennial Hall staff said an elderly man got into an argument with a young couple because they stood in his way while he was trying to sell his extra ticket, reports stated.

The man said he was standing in front of the ticket booth for about an hour when the young couple came up and stood in his way, trying to sell their extra ticket, reports stated.

When the elderly man told the couple he was there first and asked them to move, according to staff, the younger man started using profanities and pushed the elderly man against a wall, reports stated.

The elderly man swung back, but did not make contact, and he told police he didn't wish to press charges, reports stated.

The younger man told police he and his wife were trying to sell their ticket when the man started using profanity and swung at them. The wife was upset and added that the elderly man had said he would kill them, but neither wished to press charges, reports stated.

A staff member said she heard the elderly man use profanity with the couple. Another witness said he had seen the elderly man swing at the couple but was not close enough to hear the conversation, reports stated.

Centennial Hall staff allowed both parties into the show and noted their seating placement, reports stated.

A student's $2,000 mountain bike was reported missing from the bike racks on the west side of the Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering building, 1140 N. Mountain Ave., sometime Thursday afternoon, reports stated.

The student said he locked his black bike with bright blue shocks with a cable lock at 1 p.m., and when he returned at 2:50 p.m. the bike was gone and the cut cable lock was on the ground near the bike racks, reports stated.

The student said he hadn't seen anyone paying special attention to the bike or acting suspiciously, reports stated.

The student said he had his cable lock but it was not functional because it had been cut. He said there were other bikes missing at the racks and cut locks on the ground near the bike racks, reports stated.

Police have no suspects or witnesses.

Police Beat is compiled from official University of Arizona Police Department reports. For a complete list of UAPD activity, the daily resume can be found at Police Beat is compiled from official University of Arizona Police Department Records. For a complete list of UAPD activity, the daily resumé can be found at

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