Megan Stoupa criminal justice and administration freshman
By Nathan Tafoya
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
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Freshman can explain the difference between 'vortex' and 'vertex,' prays for English-speaking TAs
Wildcat: So my name's Nathan and you're On the Spot. Welcome back to school.
Stoupa: Thanks.
Wildcat: How was your first day?
Stoupa: It actually hasn't started yet.
Wildcat: Oh, you're serious?
Stoupa: Yeah. Six o'clock is my first class, but I'm in class all day tomorrow and all day Thursday.
Wildcat: So - what's life like being back on campus?
Stoupa: It's nice. I like being back on a set schedule.
Wildcat: So those black glasses, are they - what are those? They fade in and out, dark and with the light? Are those glasses or sunglasses?
Stoupa: Oh, they're sunglasses. They're cheap, but they do their job.
Wildcat: You're by the physics building. Are you a physics major?
Stoupa: Oh, no. I'm a business major, but my math class is in there. College algebra.
Wildcat: When I was a freshman taking calculus, this dude, he didn't really know how to speak English. I don't know how I learned. I think I passed with a 'B'. I didn't understand a thing he said.
Stoupa: Yeah.
Wildcat: It started off with like 40 people. By the end of the school year, there were like 20 left.
Stoupa: Wow. Yeah.
Wildcat: That's the way it goes.
Stoupa: I keep praying I'll get someone that speaks English.
Wildcat: So you got an extra night to sleep in, right?
Stoupa: Yeah. I have a busy day tomorrow. Tomorrow should be exciting.
Wildcat: All right. Math. Do you know what a vortex is?
Stoupa: Uh, a vertex?
Wildcat: Is it a vertex? A vortex is for water, isn't it? It's a point of suction. But somebody told me, and I trust him because he had a beard and a bald head, that "vortex" is also a mathematical term. What's a vertex?
Stoupa: A vertex is like, whenever the line crosses the x-axis.
Wildcat: I forgot about the whole vertices thing. X and Y. Fantastic letters of the alphabet.