Wednesday, October 27, 2005
"Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth." - Matthew 5:5
Out of all the verses in the Bible, this is one of the most quoted. Its original meaning was, roughly, that those who struggle in life are truly fortunate because they will eventually become more virtuous through their toil.
But, unfortunately, the Bible doesn't go into what is supposed to happen after this occurs.
And therein lies one of the most annoying aspects of modern American culture: Nowadays, everyone wants to be a victim and struggling, in and of itself, has somehow become a virtue.
[Read article]
· Editorial: Won't you be my neighbor? |
· Mailbag |
Latest Issue: October 27, 2005
Latest Issue: October 25, 2005
Are you scared yet?
That time of year is approaching once again. The days are no longer
endless, and tank tops are being replaced with long sleeves. But along
with chilly nights comes one juicy holiday.
Ghosts and goblins are not just a thing of our childhood. In fact,
Halloween seems to get better as we reach our adolescence. We are no
longer restricted to a two-hour window of trick-or-treating and parents
forcing us to bed with the ultimate sugar high. Now, Halloween is yet
another reason to party. [Read
article] |
5:30 pm UATV: Daily Dose
6:30 pm The DRSC
7 pm Nightmare on Elm Street
9 pm Humanoids from the Deep
11 pm Young Frankenstein
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