Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Issue of the Week: Diversity at the UA
UA Discusses Diversity will take place today at the Student Union Memorial Center. It is a daylong event that will feature speakers, workshops and discussions focusing on the topic of increasing diversity on campus. In light of this event, we asked our columnists: Are efforts by the UA in promoting diversity and tolerance being taken too far, or not far enough?
Leave tact behind, but promote tolerance
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A Wider Lens: Give big tobacco a rest
Yesterday morning, the day that a significant court case was set to begin, the only print reports that my search yielded were two pieces in the Christian Science Monitor and an Associated Press article.
It's fairly unbelievable that coverage of the United States government suing the tobacco industry did not receive more attention on the day of its kick-off, especially when the tobacco companies are being taken to court for $280 million, the biggest civil case in U.S. history as far as punitive damages go. Frankly, the lack of coverage is kind of disappointing.
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Wall of Oppression is an eye-opener
The editorial about the Wall of Oppression in Tuesday's Wildcat missed one very large point.
Yes, the wall is controversial; yes, reactions to the wall run the gamut of emotions; however, your editorial skewed these reactions as being primarily negative. I volunteered at the wall today, the day your editorial came out.
You speak of sadness and anger that the wall is on campus. To tell you the truth, I'm sad it is here as well. Its presence means that UA is not a shining example to the rest of the world. It means that hate on our campus still exists. It means that ignoring the problem isn't solving it.
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